Chapter 19

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~~~~~~~~~Raksha's POV~~~~~~~~~

For the next few days I tried escaping the watchful eyes of KiKi and Every, and although I succeeded a few times, I was always caught not long after by one of Gaara's Shinobi. They were everywhere, and thanks to Gaara, they knew where to look for me should I have been lucky enough to disappear even for a few moments. And because I didn't actually want to hurt anyone, using any of my moves or abilities was out of the question.

I tried to... At first. Just to get away from them long enough to leave the village. But... It didn't end very well. For them, at least. A couple of the Shinobi ended up in the hospital-minor injuries, of course, I wouldn't do anything to seriously hurt anyone I didn't intend to hurt. But still, I hadn't wanted anyone to end up in the infirmary in the first place. After that, I tried relying only on my stealth techniques.

That's when I learned something new about myself; I'd always prided myself on being the best I could be at everything I trained at, and although I could hide and blend in easily in forests, meadows, or water, the desert was, of course, another thing entirely. And, obviously, the Shinobi who were raised in The Sand were better than I was. They were everywhere I turned, everywhere I looked, I felt like I had hundreds of stalkers! Not to mention that my two best friends were stuck to me like glue, and when I wasn't with them(aside from when I'm able to sneak away for a few moments) I'm with Gaara.

And that's been the routine so far this week. Stuck with KiKi and Every while he's out handling his KazeKage business, and when he's done, he's stuck to my side as well. No privacy! Talk about overkill... They clearly didn't understand the severity of the situation. I needed to get this going as soon as I could. They needed to understand that this was just something I have to do... It was just in my nature. Revenge was just something that came natural. I knew that it really shouldn't, I knew it wasn't always the answer. But it kept things equal; someone does wrong upon someone, and that someone does wrong upon the one that did them wrong. 

Some say that karma alone will do the job, but I'd much rather take matters into my own hands. 

I heaved a sigh as I lay my head on the table. It was breakfast time, and after this past week, this was a normal morning. I was too tired from the previous day's escape efforts to really do anything but sulk in front of my friends.

"Oh stop," Every said around a mouthful of cereal, "Do you have to be so dramatic?"

"Yes!" I said, slamming the palm of my hand on the table, "While you all get to go about doing as you please I have to be stuck here!"

"We're not just doing as we please, Raksha." KiKi said softly, "We're keeping an eye on you so that you don't go and get yourself killed over something that is done and over with. Your reasoning is revenge for kidnapping and killing Gaara. But Gaara is here, alive and healthy. And one of his kidnappers is already dead, and from my understanding the other lost an arm."

"Seems pretty fair to me." Every nodded.

"That's not the only reason, guys. You know they'll be targeting the other Jinchuriki, and if they succeed it won't be good for anyone! Why can't any of you see that?"

"We do see it." Gaara finally spoke up from the head of the table, calmly setting down his cup of coffee and looking at me, "I've called a meeting with the other Kages. The meeting will take place tomorrow. It took a couple of days for everyone to respond but I've let them know the danger of this issue. We will speak about the matter and come up with the best strategy plan to handle it with the least amount of casualties as possible."

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