Chapter 18

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OK.... I'm horrible, I know... I did warn you guys though!  I really can't apologize enough for the seriously long absence...

I honestly had major writer's block because I didn't know how to continue with the story, but I think I've finally found the direction I want the story to go, so hopefully I'll finally be able to write more and (possibly) finish the book once and for all!

Then we'll see about a possible next book after this ;) if I can do better with it than I did this one, that is.

~Raksha's POV~

Luck was not on my side when I finally arrived back at the house. Gaara was already home, I could hear him moving about inside as I stood silently at the door, internally groaning and cursing Orochimaru for wasting my time.

As I reached to open the door, the sound of my name being called from behind me drew my attention.

KiKi and Every waved at me as they headed my way, Aky by Kiki's side as usual.

"Hey!" They greeted, "Fang's gone-for now." KiKi informed me.

"He promised to be back, though." Every warned with an eyeroll.

I gave a nod in understanding, lost in thought.  I knew Every and KiKi would always have my back, so I could count on them to join my little team I'm trying to put together. Gaara isn't going to like any part of this whatsoever, so asking Fang to join as well wasn't going to be too far of a stretch. And I was sure he'd want to help. I could also ask a few more members from the Black Beast Rogues to help, I'm sure at least a couple of them would be willing to come along. The key was Sasuke, though. Everyone I've thought of I highly skilled and well trained-there's no doubt about that. But I didn't think any could quite compare to the Uchiha.

Having Fang return would be helpful, he would know where to find the others, and how to get into contact with them. Hopefully Fang wouldn't take his sweet time coming back, but even if he did, it would give me time to get Sasuke's answer. His answer would determine how much help I would need, I didn't want to ask Dove and Vixon to join if I didn't have to, they were still young, and although they know how to handle themselves and have been in danger several times, I didn't want to get them involved in something this dangerous.

I watched as Every's eyes narrowed, staring. She remained staring for another moment before finally speaking, "You're thinking about your plan for revenge, aren't you?"

Giving my friend a small smile, I nodded again, "I'm trying to think of who all we'll need to make a team for this mission. It's definitely not going to be an easy one... We'll need what help we can get, from some of the strongest people we know... So far I've got you two, The Black Beast Rogues-or at least some of them. And I've already asked Sasuke Uchiha."

KiKi's eyes widened at the name, "You asked Sasuke? When?"

"You know Gaara's not gonna like any of this." Every added.

Again, I nodded, "Yes, I know. I went today to see him. He didn't seem sure, and of course I ran into Orochimaru, and he flat out said no. But ultimately it's not his decision- it's Sasuke's. I told him to think about it, and that I'd be back in a few days for his final answer. If he decides to help, we won't need as many people on our team, maybe just a couple from the Rogues. If he says no, however, I'll have to ask more than just a couple."

"Raksha..." KiKi started, "Do you really think this is a good idea? I mean, do you honestly think- even with the help of all these skilled Ninja- that we could do this? Take out the Akatsuki?"

"Seriously," Every put in, "They're all older and more experienced than us. We'll need a plan, a really good one, too. We can't just decide to do this and go for it. We'd get slaughtered."

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