Chapter 14

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Here you go my pretties!!! Another chappie for ya, I'll try to upload more as soon as I can. Anyways, thought I'd throw in just a touch of drama there for you guys-after all, no relationship is perfect. Every couple has their bad days, and this day is Raksha and Gaara's bad day. Hope you like it! Obviously if you're rooting for them, it's not awesome to see them fight and whatnot, but always great to see if they make up and whatnot! Enjoy!

~Raksha's POV~

I waited for Gaara's response. He stayed quiet, just staring at me. I couldn't figure out what the look in his eyes meant, but Yuri took his silence as a good sign-for her.

She wrapped both her arms around Gaara's left arm and hung off him, giggling, "Gaara! I'm so glad you're finally giving us a chance! Her and her friends obviously have a long day ahead of them." she looked me directly in the eyes, her eyes were filled with triumph and determination, "So go and run along, leave Gaara and I to have the day to ourselves. We have a lot of catching up to do."

Before I could snap my own angry reply, Gaara beat me to it, "Yuri would you just. Shut. Up."

Yuri looked over at him in shock. Gaara pulled his arm away from her and turned his angry gaze to hers'. "I was trying to spare your feelings, trying to think of something to say that would let you down easy but also get you to finally leave me alone, but your incessant talking and jabbering is really pissing me off."

His voice was rough and deep, like back in the old days when I came back and we were at the Chuunin exams. I wasn't sure if that was a good sign or not. Certainly not, come to think of it, right? Usually when he got that mad someone ended up getting hurt.

In an attempt at calming Gaara, I placed my hand on Gaara's shoulder. "Gaara... You've said enough. I think she gets it now. We should get going, we're running late as it is."

Gaara's angry glare continued on until I took hold of his hand and gave a jerk, knocking him off balance. He stumbled a second in surprise and regained his footing before giving an annoyed look at me, "What was that for?"

"To get you to stop looking murderously at her. Seriously, you seemed like you really did want to kill her, you know."

Kiki went to Yuri and placed a firm hand on her shoulder, "You might want to disappear now. Head on to your next village, and Never bother Gaara or Raksha again."

Yuri stayed where she was for a moment longer, looking between Gaara and I before letting out a big huff and turning around, storming off to wherever her next destination was. Hopefully somewhere far away.

Gaara turned to me, his eyes softening, "Are we good?"

I tilted my head and thought for a moment, "No, not really. But other pressing matters are more important at present so we need to get going."

Turning back the way we were originally going, I continued on to the Sand Village gates, Kiki-with Aki accompanying her-Every, and Gaara following closely behind.

Once we cleared the Village, we picked up the pace, taking the path that would lead us back to the cave we were at yesterday.

The trip took most of the day as expected, on several occasions, Gaara tried talking to me. But every time, I just waved him off. I didn't want to talk about before, at the moment, seeing Sasori's supposed dead body was more important. I had to be sure it was actually him, that he was actually gone. And if he was, I had to give him a proper burial. Despite what he did to Gaara, he was like family to me. Had he died by my own hands, it would be a different story. There was an unspoken... Respect, should one member of the Akatsuki kill/defeat another. But to be taken out by another... No one else would really care, they would think him a weakling that deserved it. He may have lost against Sakura and Lady Chiyo, but he was no weakling.

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