That boy who saved me part 1 (DEKU'S POV)

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what if when Deku saved Ochaco the judges listed to Aizawa and didn't allow a boy with such a dangerous quirk inside UA, after hearing this what will ochaco do? she must find the boy that risked his life and his chances of being a hero, she needs to at least know his name.

"Young man you too can become a hero" Those were the words said to me 10 months ago and now I'm standing at the front gates of UA this is it, where my journey to become a hero starts.

Suddenly I trip over my own feet and start tipping towards the ground "or I could just die" But I never reached the ground.

"Sorry for using my quirk on you without permission, but I feel like you wouldn't mind" I hear a sweet voice say and I see her, a cute girl! A cute girl is talking to me! 

"This is very nerve-racking Donncha think Well let's do our best ok!" She says with a smile and waves me off.

"Wow, I can't believe I talked to a girl!"*

I walk inside and prepare for the test it seems like we're fighting robots each with a different point value depending on how strong they are. It also seems me and Kacchan will be put in different area's we head out to our area's and oh

"That girl is over there; I should probably go and thank her for earlier" But as I'm going over there, I feel a strong grip on my shoulder

"She looks like she is preparing for the test what are you going to do distract her and ruin her chances!" I see a guy yell at me "he seems really serious I should probably just thank her after the test and not risk angering anybody"

"AND BEGIN" the loudspeakers yells and the exam starts, Everyone is running ahead "crap I cant be left behind" 

I start running full speed but when i get to the first robot. "crap oh no why wont my feet move!"

then a Lazer shoots right though it "damn it I just let that kid take my points" I run around but I see all the other kids get 37,45, and even 60! "How did they get so many points I can't even get one!" 

Then it happened a giant zero pointer emerge from nowhere and smash all the budling's nearby casing a huge pile of rumble all the kids ran away from it but as I was about to run Aswell I heard a scream for help


"Crap! This is really bad she's trapped under the rumble"

It happened again just like with the slug villain I ran full speed into the direction of the robot I jumped up super high and yell out "SMASH!" 

the robot is defeated, and that girl is saved but...

"CRAP! CRAP! CRAP! I'm falling down and my arm is broken, and my legs are useless right now ok what to do? I know I'll use my left arm to break my fall. but as far as this test goes I Definity will fail if I do that! but as i prepare to break my fall someone beats me to it suddlnly im floating again.

"And release!" that girl saved me again


"TIMES UP!" Thats it its over I failed.

Judges room 

"well, that was surprising that kid took out a entire zero pointer in one punch why did he wait so long to use his power" A judge says.

"But look at him he is completely out of commission if recovery girl didn't heal him, he would be like that for months!" another judge says

"But he did pass in recuse points so we should put him in the hero course" the third judge says.

"not so fast" A certain cold voice calls out

"Aizawa what do you mean?"

"Look at that kid This test is completely irrational if you let a kid that breaks down after one punch his quirk isn't good enough for this school!" he talks back

"maybe your right what do you suggest his quirk could be useful and he looks like he has got what it takes" 

then Nezu suggests an idea 

"What if we don't except him like Aizawa says but offer him, a different solution"

"yeah what do you have in mind?" Aizawa asks

Deku's room

I got my letter from UA well time to prepare for the worst


"all might but this is from UA?" I ask

"I didn't just come here for a successor, I came to be a teacher at UA!" 

"wait really?"

"anyway you unfortunately  scored a zero on the practical test so sorry you didn't pass" he tells me

"I know that its all I could think about for this past week!" I yell

"I failed you ALL MIGHT!" 

"But fear not I was going to be a teacher but UA has given me a different option originally we were going to pass you because of the rescue points. but the teachers didn't think a boy who destroys himself was worthy of UA so here is the idea the principal suggested I don't become a teacher yet I will train beyond what we have done already and when you can control one for all you can re enter the exam in the fall and start a semester late"

 as he explains what UA plans for me was, I was overjoyed no one ever had a second chance at applying at UA so this was amazing sure I wasn't at the school yet but i could join at a later date I wasn't going to say no I had to do this i need to make it up to ALL MIGHT for failing no matter what


but the last thing he said came at no surprise but still how was i going to tell my mom

"Last thing young Midoriya this must stay a secret you can't tell a soul" 

"great what should I tell my mom?"

To be continued...

how was that I really hope you enjoyed this one this is a sneak peek into my first non-one shot izuocha book, so I hope this does well anyway next chapter will be the part two of this and I promise for more izuocha moments in that one sorry I just needed to get the story out here in the first one next chapter will be Ochaco's POV so get ready for that until next time.

-Crazy Mario

NEXT: That boy who saved me part 2

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