Valentine's Day!

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I'm having a lot of fun writing these I've always liked writing, but I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. I love these two dorks and writing about them is a lot more fun than I thought expect more frequent updates, especially on weekends. the hardest part for me is coming up with new ideas so I'm open to any ideas you might have for me to write about I've got about 2 new one-shots in mind but other than that so far, I'm not sure what to write about. anyway, on with the story (implied kamijiro)

(ochaco's POV)

"This is it Valentine's Day," I think to myself "so much has happened over the course of the year I've been so swamped with work studies I barely had time to see him." 

"But that changes today, tonight I will spend the evening with the best boyfriend any girl could ask for," I say to myself while the blush creeps up on my face. 

"Hey Ocha! how are you!" I hear from across the dormitory as the pink alien runs up to me

"Hey mina how are you?" I ask

"I'm doing ok but I'm more interested on how you're doing so got any plans with Midoriya?" she asks in a teasing tone

"Uh y-yeah I'm going to surprise him later tonight" I say slightly embarrassed 

"I don't get why your so embarrassed haven't you been dating for a few months now?" Mina asks me.

"yeah but this will be our first d-date" I say, with my face red as ever

"wait really how has it taken so long?" She asks me

"when we agreed to start dating, we promised each other we would put out hero work first and with Deku being so busy he is always training and with work studies we haven't really seen each other for awhile" I explain

mina seems to smirk at me and leaves "well enjoy your first date I hope your ready I have an essay of questions for you tomorrow but until then I let you have some alone time"

"man, even though its official I still cant believe Deku chose me, I know I was the one to confess but... still when he told me the feeling was mutual I couldn't help but float away Deku said I was only up in the air for a few minutes but in that moment it felt like I was up their looking at him for hours" I say out loud not realizing I wasn't alone. 

"aww how sweet it almost makes me puke" I hear someone say in a mocking tone

"oh Jiro when d-did you get here?" I ask 

"just now and then I hear all this talk about Midoriya" she says.

"sorry i was just talking out loud" I say

"don't apologies I'm just messing with you I'm happy you found someone you two are great for each other" she says with a small smile on her face.

a blush creeps up again "t-thanks! you and Kaminari are cute too!" I say now it was her turn to be red

"y-yeah whatever have fun on your date tonight" she said as she walked off

I would ask her how she knew but it's kind of obvious "mina really can't keep a secret to save her life can she." I sigh "oh well not like were hiding our relationship anymore anyway "time to prepare!" I shout out

(Deku's POV)

Deku's dorm room he is picking out an outfit

"Uraraka said she wanted to meet tonight and its Valetines day d-does that mean this is will turn into a date?" I pace around my room over and over again. "should I pick out a really nice suit but it may not even be that formal and maybe its not even a date what if I look stupid?" 

I spend the next 2 hours in his room before deciding to wear a nice, collared shirt and jeans. "I hope this is good enough its nice enough for a date as long as were not going to any really nice dinner" I say to myself.

I head out and get ready to meet her near the dormitory 

"hey Deku!" I hear a sweet voice say

"oh hey Uraraka, ready to go!" I say but i see something bother her "you ok?" I ask

"yeah I'm fine, anyway are you ready I want to take you somewhere!" She says to me with a smile.

we head out all the way to UA's entrance 

"so why did we come here?" I ask

"well i wanted to ask you something a-and I thought it might eb appropriate to ask in the spot where we first met!" 

"this is too much for me can she get any more adorable!"

"y-yeah what is it?" I ask

"Deku I wanted to show how much you mean to me ever since I saved you from falling.."

"twice" I say under my breath.

"Right well after that day we just got closer and after that day The only thing i wanted was to see the boy who saved me I really wanted to be friends with you!" She starts to say while a blush forms on her face Aswell as mine.

"well you have done a lot for me, sorry I haven't really returned the favor" I say

"do I need to slap you again!" She stars to yell at me 

"oh no what did I do wrong?" I panic

"You inspire me you're always giving it your all whether it's a good or bad thing, and you never put yourself first your always helping others even back at the sports festival I kept thinking i wanted to be like you!" she says to me

"h-how come you never told me this" I ask

"I wanted to, but I always got really e-e-embassresed" Her voice got really quiet at the end as her blush just grows a deeper shade of red

"Also, the opportunity to tell you never really came until now, at least in the time we started dating" She starts to say

"y-you mean a lot to me too" I say

"please go out with me!" she yells

"h-huh? where did that come from? I mean we are dating and haven't gone out yet but..." I start to go in a spiral again

"DEKU! MUMBLING!" She yells

"Ahh sorry bad habit" I apologize

"don't worry about it, it's cute" Uraraka says

"did she just call me cute?!"

"did I say that out loud!" Now she's the one freaking out

"ahh sorry I never answered you but yeah id love to go out with you!" I say

she blushes and we continue to have one of the best days of our lives because in our minds we knew we wouldn't get another chance for a very long time

"Happy Valetines day uraraka!" I smile at her

"thanks, happy valentine's day!" we both smile at each other for the rest of the night


well how was that? I hope these are still good honestly, I'm not sure how well I wrote some characters like Jiro I know my stories are not the worst, but I still would like any feedback you have to offer me, until next time

NEXT: The Misunderstanding 

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