Sick Days

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Class 1-A everyone had arrived for class except one.

"Hey why isn't ochaco here?" mina asks.

"Urarakas's gone that's strange she's never missed a class before unless it was for the work-study, but they have been postponed so it's not that," Deku says. 

then Aizawa comes in.

"Everyone get to your seats, uraraka is out sick today," he says.

"Sick? Is she ok" Deku asks

"yeah, it's just a fever and she was told not to come today, make sure not to bother her unless she asks for you she doesn't need you to crowd her room when it's not even serious recovery girl  is checking up on her so there is nothing to concern yourself over, that's all let's start class" 

class felt like it took hours for everyone even though they knew she was fine some of her friends couldn't help but worry especially Asui and Deku.

After class

"I should text her if she wants anything I could run out and get soup for her" Deku says.

He receives no response. 

"Well, she could be resting I should run out for soup anyway" Deku decides

2 Hours Later in Ocacho's room

"Achoo!" ocahco sniffles and drinks some water

"Great! why did this happen now I'm healthy and I've been taking care of myself, hope I didn't miss anything too important. oh looks like i have some missed texts"

She grabs her phone off her charger and looks

"Looks like Asui wanted to know if she could check up on me"

Tsuyu: you ok do you need anything?

"I should let her know I'm alive this was two hours ago"

ochaco: yeah I'm fine thanks for checking on me though

Tsuyu: by the way Midoriya went to get you soup already and he seems pretty keen on visiting you I don't think you will be able to convince him otherwise we already tried

A light blush covered her face

Ochaco: of course, that's just how he is you can tell him he can come see me if he wants like you said I don't think he will be able to rest until he checks on me

the conversation ends

"Deku unread messages 10" 

"really? that many! he really is concerned isn't he" 

Deku: hey just checking are you ok?

 Deku: I got you soup and making it now I'll come see you soon

Deku: sorry for texting you so much you probably think its weird

Deku: your probably asleep and haven't read these yet

Deku: sorry if I insulted you! you could just not feel like responding I shouldn't make assumptions

"ugh he needs more self confidence The rest of these messages is him apologizing then apologizing again

Ochaco: I just woke up you have my permission to enter and by the way stop apologizing so much so much IM FINE!

"Hope that didn't send mixed signal's but knowing him he probably thinks I'm mad at him

Deku: ok on my way sorry!

Deku: wait I didn't mean sorry I just wanted to say I understand about what you said

Ochaco: ITS FINE IM NOT MAD just get up here so we can talk but not to close I'm still a little sick

then after a few seconds Deku arrives

"hey Ocacho I brought you some soup and water if you need anymore" he says

a blush grows on her face "H-he said ochaco did he mean that no.. it was probably just a mistake"

He hands her the soup and water

"is your fever still there do you need a cold rag for your head i can go grab one if you want uraraka" he says

"o-oh it was a mistake" I say a little too loud

"w-what mistake d-did I do something?" He asks ochaco

"what no its just... you didn't do anything wrong its just do you recall what you called me when you entered my room?" ochaco asks with a darker shade of blush

"yeah, I said... OH IM SORRY I SAID OCHACO! THAT WAS WRONG OF ME I DID'NT RELIZE" he starts to scream at himself for the next minute

"HEY!" she screams back at him

"Y-yeah oc.. Uh URARAKA sorry I almost did it again!" 

"Would you just chill out I like it when you call me ochaco!" she didn't mean to say that but no going back now

"Y-you do?" now He's the one with the blush

"it's fine Were good friends now call me ochaco mina and Tsuyu have been calling me that for a while I should have told you the same Deku, but I was kind of nervous about it" She stammers

"o-oh okay ochaco" He says while the blush just gets redder on both parties

Deku starts to leave

"wait before you go"

"hmm?" Deku freezes

"thanks for checking on me Deku!"

"Izuku" he says back


"i thought I should give you the same request only call me Deku during training but when it's just us I don't mind if you call me that" He explains and then leaves without a response.

"was that too forward? I hope that was ok for me to ask maybe she prefer to call me Deku?" while Deku was a blushing mess asking himself those questions ochaco wasn't much better inside her room.

"Izuku o-ok I-I'll start saying that then" her face didn't return to normal for awhile after that


If I'm being honest, I was struggling with this one that's why it's so short sorry but I wanted to publish one more story today, so I hope this wasn't too bad taking care each other while sick is kind of cliché so I added the first name in there last minute next one should be better but its also angst so if that's not your thing you probably wont like what's coming up


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