Alternate universe

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Deku and Uraraka get stuck in a universe without quirks, and they have no memory of how they got there. sorry about no picture for this one I couldn't think of a good picture that relates to the story.

darkness all I see is darkness, I hear a faint sound of ringing in my ear, and I hear a voice call out to me but, I can't stay awake much longer it just all goes away.

the Hospital

both Deku and Uraraka are knocked out on hospital beds, apparently, a bystander found them in the park barely breathing, and called for help, and soon after ambulances arrived and took the two teens to the nearest hospital.

"Strange they don't seem to have any phones just some fake hero IDs wonder why they don't have any real identification on them," one of the Doctors says.

"They should wake up soon though their vitals look good, and we can release them within the next week if we're lucky.

the night passes and Uraraka starts to wake up

"Ow w-where am I?" her head moves slightly as she checks her surroundings 

"c-can't move" 

what is this place? was I captured I can't remember? I don't even have the energy to yell 

as she starts to panic, she then wakes up a little more and Shes the bed she is one with the monitor beeping

"Oh, this is a hospital I guess I don't have to worry too much but I still have a gap in my memory I don't remember anything that led up to this.

a few days pass Uraraka was told about what happened in the hospital still not sure what happened she now can walk and talk just fine but Deku was still not waking up as she went to see his room, she noticed something

"MY hand!" as she looked her hands looked normal no pads on her fingers 

"What it looks fine" the doctor escorting her to Deku's room says

"Yeah, that's the issue my quirk is missing" she tried but she couldn't make herself float or anything in the hallway at all.

"Quirk, what do you mean?"

"You know everybody's superpower it's called a quirk" she yells louder then she ended up wanting too

"Miss superpowers Arnt real you know that right do you need to lie down maybe you just had a very real dream?"

"Huh? no I" she decided not to say anything more in case they would put her back for more tests 

"I'm fine your right I don't know what I was thinking" she lied 

" This must not be a real hospital they must have taken my quirk away and maybe they're trying to brainwash me, and Deku I need to find him and get out of here before they take his quirk too"

"Here is this your friend?" the doctor asked 

"Yeah, that's him can I stay here until he wakes up?" uraraka asks.

"Yeah, that's fine we can discharge you soon since you're feeling better" the doctor leaves the alone while he gets the papers to discharge uraraka.

" Come on Deku you have to wake up before they take your quirk," she says and as soon as she sits down Deku starts to grunt and his eyes move up slightly 

"u-uraraka is that you?" he asks

"Yeah, it's me Deku we need to leave this place now," she says, and Deku pulls himself up 

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