the future part 2

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" Me and uraraka end up dating  Me and uraraka end up dating Me and uraraka end up dating Me and uraraka end up dating" those words echoed in the back of Deku's head on loop as he headed back to the dormitories.

"hey Midoriya, you ok?" Kirishima calls out

Deku snaps out of his trance and starts getting red in the face 

"Huh! oh yeah I'm fine just got someone SOMETHING on.. my mind" Deku stammers out

"ok? why are you getting so weird you never acted like this before are you sure you ok," he asks again in a more clamming tone

"no not really but I don't think I can talk about it" Deku says "if I tell someone it might not come true, wait do I want it to be true i never thought about us like that before, and know I kind of want us to be like I saw in that vision" 

"what do you mean work studies are on break so what's so important you can't tell me" He seems more interested in why Deku phased it like that

"its private its nothing to worry about its just something I have to talk to her about" Deku says not realizing he used the phase "her"

"oh.. "her" huh I gotcha don't worry I won't pry" Kirishima says as he walks off

Deku proceeds to blush heavily 

"I have got to stop talking before thinking" 

that night Deku couldn't sleep for obvious reasons and goes to the main floor to get a drink

"I'm so hopeless, I'm kind of glad I didn't see uraraka today I probably would have been a mess around her, but just staying away from her probably isn't cool she will probably start to wonder why" Deku talks aloud not realizing who was listening  

"Deku was glad I wasn't around him today? why? why does he want to stay away from me?" uraraka only heard his first sentence before running back upstairs with tears in her eyes.

"hello? was someone up there?" Deku asks as he looks he sees no one up the steps and heads back to his room.

the next day at school

Deku saw uraraka for the first time since his vision, but she was acting distant she looked sad? he almost went up to ask what's wrong, but he couldn't get himself to go near her and went to his desk.

The day passed and everyone was making their after school talks before going home

"hey ochaco what's up you seem sad" Toru asks her

"its nothing" she tris to say but she decides they won't buy that and tells them

"actually can I come by your room mina I need someone to talk to" she says

"yeah don't worry whatever you need" mina responds and the girls head out

a few days pass and ochaco has completely ignored Deku 

"uraraka isn't responding to my texts did I say something?" Deku questions as he heads out on his run he runs into Toru on his way.

"hey Hagakure" Deku calls out but she completely ignores him and bumps into him on purpose 

"ahh! oh ok that's odd first uraraka and now Hagakure now that I mention it a lot of the girls have just flat out ignored me recently I wonder what's up maybe Asui knows Shes usually nice to everyone" Deku thinks and heads to her dorm

"Hey Asui are you in there?" Deku knocks on her door.

she opens it and pulls him inside

"listen Midoriya I don't have much time I promised the girls I wouldn't Asociate with you but I need to know did you really say you like it when uraraka isn't around you?" she asks him and Deku gets confused

"WHAT! NO! it's the opposite what I want to know is why she is ignoring me!" Deku yells

"that's what I thought ribbit uraraka said one night she overheard you saying your glad she wasn't around you that day." Asui explains

"oh my god she heard that!" Deku starts to cry "all this time that's why I said that because I was just confused with everything going on and that vision"

"wait you did say that but you just.." Asui gets cut off

"no, I mean yeah I said that but I didn't really mean that I found out I had a thing for her and that day I was sort off avoiding her but after that day I tried to talk to her but she just ignored me." Deku explains

"well that makes sense ochaco just got the wrong idea I'll text her right now to come up here and you can explain it" Asui suggests 

"yeah that might be for the best" Deku says

she pulls out her phone and tells ochaco to meet her in her room

an hour passes

the door opens

"sorry Tsuyu got caught... up.. with things" her eyes dart straight to deku and tears start to form

"what's he doing here" she says with some anger in her voice

"listen uraraka I can explain! You misunderstood me back then" Deku starts to say 

"Tsuyu what did you tell him that was private!" she starts yelling at Asui now

"just listen to what he has to say ribbit I'll leave you two alone" she says as the door shuts on the two of them

"well what did i misunderstand you glad you were glad You weren't around me what else could that mean?"

"I-I was shown something I ran into someone who had something like nighteye's quirk but I had the vision" Deku says

"oh, that's cool but what does that have to do with me?" She asks.

"I-I was shown a future where t-the two of us were..." Deku can't bring himself to say that word

"did I die?" she asks quickly

"w-what! no!" Deku yells

"Why else would you want to avoid me I'm going to die, and you don't want to get any closer to me" she yells out

"NO! that's not it at all" Deku shouts

but ochaco didn't believe him and starts to cry

"For you to be so spooked I noticed something was bothering you, you just don't want to tell me don't give me false ho.." ochaco gets cut off by Deku kissing her. he pulls away and talks to a stunned ochaco

"uraraka I saw us dating in that future!" he says and for the first time this whole week she believes him.


well guess I got a story out today after all whoops ignore that last update then I guess

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