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You wake up to your phone loading ringing. You reach over to grab it from your bed stand and read the name. 'Elliott'. You pick up. In your tired morning voice you utter the words "Hello." He doesn't answer for a moment. "I didn't know you sounded like this in the morning." He said.

You ignore his words. "Why did you call me?" You say barely awake. "You know the job I said you couldn't have at my bar." He says and you start to wake up. "Yeah?" You say. "You can have it." He says bluntly.

"How come?" You ask but he ignores what you say. "Your shift starts in 10 minutes." He says and this completely woke you up. "You have got to be joking?" You say crawling to the edge of your bed. As you get to the edge you reach your hand out but instead fall off. The loud clank of your body hitting the floor obviously brought amusement to Elliott as you heard him laugh through the phone.

You roll your eyes and press 'End call' before getting up and walking over to your closet. You pick a formal cute dress and tie your hair up into a messy bun since that's all you could do in 10 minutes.

You arrive there and immediately rush in. You go over to the counter and place your bag on a empty counter before preparing for the customers to walk in.

As you expected the second it hit 9 AM and the bar was considered open customers started flooding in.

The customers included mostly high class men with tattoos and cigarettes resting in their mouths. But one customer caught your attention. A proper woman who had silky straight black hair and a blue dress that reflected her blue eyes.

You see Elliott walking over to you after just coming out of his office but the minute his eyes see her he stops in his tracks and his whole body turns to her direction.

You notice him immediately start a conversation with her. A couple laughs were shared and a couple times she ran her hand down his arm in a rather seductive way which ticked a bit of jealousy into you.

You continue serving your customers though trying to ignore the rather intimate conversation they were sharing like they obviously knew each other.

As you hear the front door bell go off and look at the new customer walking in you recognize David's face. He makes his way over to you and sits down. "He's letting you work here now huh?" He says surprised. "Uh yeah, it was pretty random but yeah." You say.

Before David could say what he obviously was about to say your curiosity gets the best of you. "Who's that girl Elliott is talking to over there?" You say pointing over to the woman.

He doesn't even turn his head to look. "That's his ex." He says seriously. "She messed up his life pretty bad but for some reason still has him wrapped around her finger." He says. "How come?" You ask again, yet even more curious.

"I don't know. I guess it's her looks, I mean she's absolutely gorgeous. Or maybe her flirting skills, cause it's definitely not her personality." He says.

You again look over at them and immediately agree with what David said. She was gorgeous and her flirting skills were top tier compare to yours.

"So anytime she comes around he's just at her knees?" You ask. David takes what you say a little to literal. "Literally at his knees. I mean anytime she's in town they hook up. It's like friends with benefits at this point. And any girl he's dating since her breaks up with him because of her." He says rolling his eyes in disgust.

"What's her name?" You ask. "Chloe." He says. You look back up at her. Chloe fit her perfectly.

You decided to stop just staring and go up and introduce yourself.

You walk up slowly. "Hi, I'm Ivy. A friend of Elliot's." You say with a hand out. She stares at your hand with a straight face. "Chloe." She says. Gosh her looks depleted her personality.

You look up at Elliott. "Hey." He stares at you for a second. "Hey." He says, for some reason he was like a different person. Like in a complete trance now that she was around. You pick up a water that was on a table and take a sip.

Once you've swallowed you pretend to trip and spill the water all over her dress. "Gosh, I'm sorry." You say with a sarcastic tone and walk away. 'Bitch.' You mumble under your breath.

Elliott~Where stories live. Discover now