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It had been a couple days since you last talked to Elliott. David was more then right, she had him wrapped around her finger when that's where you used to have him.

You had planned to go to a party this afternoon and meant to text David about it so reach over to your phone.

You dial his number and place your phone next to your ear. "Hey." He says and you hear a females voice in the background. "Are you alone?" You ask confused. "No." He says and you hear the voice again, but it wasn't familiar at all.

"Who is that?" You ask him. "My sister." He says and then you hear some ruffling before you hear the same female voice 'Babe.' Your heart sinks.

He was with another girl? You couldn't really contemplate it and thoughts just kept rushing through your head.

The ruffling stops and you hear his breath next to the phone again. "Sorry about that, why'd you call?" He asks.

You try to open your mouth but couldn't say a word. You hang up and throw your phone across the bed completely filled with anger.

You put on a gorgeous black dress that just defined your curves perfectly and put on some red lipstick on in-front of your mirror. Once you were done you hop into your car and drive to the party.

You knew that David was already going so planned on staying far away from him. You walk in and immediately hear the noise of music fill your ears.

As your eyes scan the room you recognize 2 familiar faces dancing together. Elliott and Chloe.

You roll your eyes completely fed up with her and walk over. You take his hands and place them on your hips. As your bodies sway to the music you look back at Chloe who just stands there her mouth open in disbelief.

You didn't get a chance to say anything before she storms off, her hair flipping back and forth with every step.

You look up to Elliott who is staring into your eyes. "You haven't said one word to me since she's arrived and it's passing me off." You mutter and he slightly smiles.

"Jealous much?" He says and you look back up at him. "Absolutely not." You spat back at him. As you both continue swaying to the music you notice David walk through the entrance.

You could immediately tell, if not already, that he was just with a girl. His hair was all ruffled up and his suit had a couple unbuttoned buttons. You make your way to his eyes and notice him directly staring at you.

You quickly make it noticeable that your dancing with Elliott and proceed to take one of Elliotts hand and place it on the small of your back while the other still rested on your waist.

Elliott then looks at what you were just looking at and clearly notices David. "Did something happen between you two?" He ask turning his head to look back at you.

"Yeah, he was with another girl." Your words bring surprise to Elliotts face, but you also notice a flick of anger in his eyes.

His arms leave your body and you almost feel naked at the feeling. His eyes still locked with yours. "I can't believe him." He says his voice now obviously angry.

"It's alright." You say looking down. He lifts your chin with his hand. "Don't make the behavior normal. You deserve so much better." He says and you see a flicker of desire in his eyes.

The silence was now intimidating as you guys stared longingly into each others eyes. Suddenly he has his hand gripped onto your wrist leading you to a bedroom upstairs.

He locks the door quickly after your both inside. He quickly turns back to you, now his eyes completely filled with desire. He pins you against the wall, his whole body against yours making you feel so small next to him.

He doesn't kiss you but rather kisses your neck. Hard and rough kisses that start behind your ear lead to the top of your chest. As he continues kissing you all over your body he quickly removes your dress revealing your naked body.

He backs up for a split second consuming every inch of you before roughly kissing all over your body yet again.

As his kisses continue he pushes you onto the bed. "God I need you so bad." He whispers and a soft moan escapes your lips..

Elliott~Where stories live. Discover now