Chapter 1 - Carrots

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First of all, thank you so much for clicking on this story. It means so much to see that some stranger is reading MY words! Vote and comment please!

I took a step back, heart pumping. My enemy stood there, arms spread wide, mocking me. I didn't hesitate, breaking into a run. His mouth stretched wide, confident he would win. I leapt, and dive rolled straight past him. Ha. He didn't expect that! I sprung back to my feet and kicked him across the face. He fell to the ground and I jumped on him, landing punches and blows everywhere I could reach. Then I ripped off his head with agonising force and-

"Briella Fog, Are you beating up scarecrows again?" My brother's voice made me start and I blushed.

"I'm training, Ivor. One day I will join you in the Earth clan and fight to defend our honour against the scoundrel Fire clan!" I defended myself

"Suuure. The Fire clan's going to be terrified of a thirteen year old girl. They'll probably wet their pants in terror." Ivor was so annoying.

"I'll be the first girl warrior! I'll pull off my enemy's heads and dine upon their brains!" I stretched my mouth into what I hoped was a creepy smile. My brother rolled his eyes and started harvesting the carrots.

"You'll see." I said sullenly.

"Why don't you come help me pull out these carrots, then we can dine on them. Please Briella?" Ivor implored. I knew he hated harvesting the carrots with a passion. Ivor was seventeen, though he seemed much older, as he had inherited our father's height. He was so tall he had to reach down far to pluck the carrots out of the ground and it hurt his back. I, on the other hand had inherited our mother's shortness, along with her hair the colour of carrots and blue eyes.

A lightbulb flashed in my brain.

"I'll help you... if you grant me a favour." I said slyly.

"Anything! Anything!" Ivor dramatically threw himself to the ground and pretended to kiss my boots.

"Briella please! Don't make me harvest carrots alone!" I laughed. Although Ivor was annoying, his stupidity was funny.

"You have to take me to the training centre after dinner tonight." That was the place where all the boys in the Earth clan trained, so they would be ready for battle with the Fire clan. The Water clan had fierce warriors nobody would dare challenge - although they were peaceful, as long as nobody disturbed them. Nobody had seen the Wind clan in centuries; the Fire clan had killed them all and taken over their land centuries ago.

"Absolutely not. The other soldiers would laugh at me for bringing my baby sister to intense training!"

"Please Ivor! I'll help you with the carrots for a whole week!" Ivor paused, as though mulling it over.

"Alright." I squealed, and jumped up and down.

"But." Ivor held one finger in the air "You have to wear an old headdress of mine and pretend to be a boy. You can be my cousin, Gabriel, visiting from a country far away."

"You want me to pretend to be a stinky old boy?" I scoffed. Ivor raised his eyebrows and started to turn away.

"Fine! Yes I'll be a boy and help you with the carrots, I just want to come and train!"

Sorry, yes the chapters will be quite short. I promise they'll be good though, and I will try my best to do a chapter every single day!

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