Chapter 3 - Captured

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I froze. My legs and arms seized up and I just stared at the men in shock as they charged towards us. Like an idiot.

"The fire clan! RUN!" a man shouted. Oh my gosh. Legs, MOVE! Ivor grabbed my collar and shoved me in the direction of the exit.

"Briella! RU-" He screamed, as one of the men shot him in the leg. Ivor collapsed to the floor, a pool of blood spreading outwards. My feet shuffled, not sure whether to run or help Ivor. I glanced behind me. Everyone else had deserted Ivor. Like cowards. A few minutes ago they had been cheering and gazing at him in admiration.

"Run, Briella." Ivor whispered in a hoarse voice. My heart leapt. He was alive! But there was no time to worry about that now, with the more pressing issue of a hundred soldiers pointing guns at us. I stepped forward and raised my fists. What else was I supposed to do? Abandon my brother? No chance.

"You idiot." Ivor groaned, then fainted.

"Come get me then! Unless you're too scared!" I taunted, caught up in the moment. Ok, maybe I was an idiot, but I was a brave idiot and that's what mattered. I was far more of a warrior than these gutless Fire clan boys.

The leader, a boy who was about sixteen (Who has a teenage for a leader?) howled:

"GET HER! Nobody ridicules the Fire clan and lives!" I lashed out at the air with my fists. I would stand between them and Ivor no matter what. They were not going to take my brother and put his head on a spike or something. The warriors pounded across the floor, making the whole building shake. In moments I was surrounded by blurs of black clothes and fire tattoos and guns. I bit a hand there, kicked a knee there, stuck my finger in someone's eye, but I was no match for them. They pinned me down, leaning on my chest so I could barely breathe.

The leader crouched down beside me, and brushed strands of hair behind my ears.

"You know, you're kinda pretty for an Earth clan." he murmured. I smiled coyly, then spat in his face, and he flushed, angry. He lifted his gun, and pointed it straight at my head.

"Too bad I'm going to have to kill you. Any last words?" he grinned.

"Just wanted to tell you that my father, Nick Fog is going to rip your guts out." I managed to gasp out, despite the brutes kneeling on my chest. A thoughtful expression came over his face and then it lit up.

"What do you want?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"You." He murmured low enough only I could hear, then stood up.

"Men! I, Calvin Poison have captured the daughter of the Earth clan leader, Nick Fog!" I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I better not tell him that Nick Fog's son and heir to the Earth clan throne (Ivor) was lying, defenceless, right beside them. The Fire clan was so dumb.

"She will be my bargaining chip. I will take over the Earth clan's land and the Fire clan will rule!"

"So you're using a girl who could easily beat you in a fight to take over the world. How tough of you." I drawled. He glared daggers at me, and flexed his muscles. I had to admit, he was pretty ripped.

"I don't like your attitude, girl. How old are you? Ten?"

"Thirteen." I said honestly. "And my name's not girl. It's Briella."

"Pretty puny for thirteen, don't you think?" Calvin mocked me. I curled my hands into fists.

"I may be short for my age but I bet you'd be flat on your back in ten seconds if you didn't have all your scary warriors to do your dirty work!" I was really making him mad now.

"Let my son fight her, Calvin!" a buff warrior who looked like he was in the gym 24/7 said determinedly. 

"Let him make up for his mistake." His son stepped forward a little nervously. Calvin tilted his head to the side, sizing him up.

"Name and age." Calvin demanded the boy.

"Brock, age fourteen. I'm Geoff's son." Brock saluted Calvin, almost poking himself in the eye. I giggled and Calvin's attention snapped back to me.

"You think you're tough? Come fight Brock then, he's a new recruit, son of one of our strongest warriors, shouldn't be too hard for a tough Earth warrior  like you." Calvin gestured for his men to release me and I stood up, rubbing my newly blossoming bruises. We headed over to the wrestling ring and stood on opposite corners. Then the fight began. 

Thanks for reading! The map above was made by me on Inkarnate.  I will post again tommorow. Vote and comment!

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