Chapter 14 - The meeting

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I blearily rubbed the sleep from my eyes as Brock brought me downstairs, hands taped in front of me.

"Where are we going?" I asked sleepily. I looked outside. It was the middle of the night.

"Your father agreed to the exchange the second he saw the video." Brock's teeth were gritted.

"So I'm going home?" I could hardly contain my excitement.

"Briella... I'm not sure if I should tell you this but- well, I overheard something Calvin was-"

"Hurry up! Get in the van!" I jumped as Geoff appeared in front of us. He roughly shoved me towards the direction of the front door. For once I didn't fight. I was going home! I would see mum and dad and hopeful Ivor again.

I wondered what Brock was going to say before Geoff interrupted. Probably some tiny thing he turned into a huge deal, Brock was such a worrier. I was bundled into the van and a blindfold was placed over my eyes but they didn't tape my legs. The car drive was long. I think Calvin drove in circles a few times to confuse me on where we were going. I started to feel dizzy after having no light for so long.

My heart skipped a beat when the car stopped.

"Come on, get out." Blaye said impatiently. I tried to feel my way, but I was awkward with no hands and no eyes. Geoff gave me a shove and I squealed, but Brock caught me. He put his hands on my shoulders and guided me out of the van.

"I won't let you fall." He murmured reassuringly.

They spun me around a few times to make me extra dizzy, then finally took the blindfold off. I blinked in the sudden light, everything was made of sunspots to me. Then I got my bearings. We were in the In between, but I had no idea which way was earth clan territory and which was fire. I slowly spun in a circle. All the trees looked the same.

Then, out of the trees came dad, mum and about ten of our best warriors. They all had guns. Calvin and his gang all pulled out guns as well, even Brock. Then Calvin grabbed my hair, twisting the roots painfully and pressed his gun against my head. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at his dramatic antics.

"BRIELLA!" mum screamed, and tried to run towards me, but two of the earth warriors held her back. My father didn't yell, but a single, solitary tear ran down his cheek as he took in my battered body.

"Why don't we just shoot them? It's twelve against four." one of the warriors muttered. 

"Not while they have the girl. If we shoot one of them another will kill her straight away." another warrior said firmly/ 

"We have the signed treaty giving all our land over to you." My father said quietly. Then he repeated it:

"We have the treaty! Give me my daughter!"

"Give us the treaty first. Put it down on the ground and drop your weapons or watch your daughter die." My father quickly did as he asked. Blaye ran forwards to pick up the treaty and skimmed over it quickly. He nodded at Calvin.

"Everything's in order."

"We've given you everything you wanted. Now give me my daughter back!" Mum screamed, tears running down her cheeks

"Let me go! You promised!" I yelled furiously at Calvin, then winced when he shoved the gun harder into my head.

"Sorry, I lied." Calvin shrugged. "It was never my intention to actually give you a reward! No, you need to be punished. Tell me, Mr Fog, do you feel bad for all my warriors you killed in battle?"

A scornful expression crossed my dad's face. He spat on the ground.

"Those warriors had hearts of evil, and I enjoyed cutting the head of every last one." Dad's face curled into a snarl and I felt a flash of fear. This was a side of my father I had never seen before.

"Oh, okay then. You see, my warriors are like- let's say sons to me. An eye for a tooth, a daughter for a son, am I right?" Calvin's face turned hard, and recognition came upon my father's face. The next words Calvin spoke chilled me to the bones. He turned to Brock, murder in his eyes.

"Shoot her."

Oooh- cliffhanger! Don't be a silent reader, vote and comment!

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