Chapter 8 - Running away (Briella's POV)

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I waited until the door slammed before standing up and walking around the room. I trailed my hand across the walls, searching for any nook or cranny. Was the window a possibility? I tipped my head back. It was up at about twice the height of me and I wasn't sure I would even be able to wriggle through, but I had to try. I eyed up the corner of the room. Maybe I could shimmy up there? I went over and pressed my back into one wall and angled myself so my hands and feet were on the other wall. Tentatively I lifted my last foot. It worked! I would be out of here in no time.

Sweat dripped down my back as I started inching upwards. The going was so slow, and my hands and legs shook with effort. Move a limb. Shuffle my back up. Move another limb. Shuffle. Eventually I reached the window. Shaking with effort, I tried to build up the energy to jump.

But suddenly my foot slipped, and I plummeted towards the ground. I managed to duck into a dive roll just in time then stand up, breathing hard. My shoes were too slippery, it wasn't going to work. I rested on the ground for a few seconds, then stood up, determined to try again. I kicked off my shoes and as my feet were sticky with sweat, I could get up the corner twice as fast. I reached the top and steadied myself, then glanced at the window. It would have to be a big jump. I took a deep breath, then pushed off the wall as hard as I could.

My ribs slammed into the windowsill, and I grabbed the handle to open the window as tight as I could. I stopped for a moment, gasping for air. That's when I heard footsteps. My heartbeat quickened. Brock was coming back! Adrenaline gave me speed, and I hauled myself up. I shoved open the window and the cool morning air washed over me. I could see the In Between, a thirty second sprint away. The door behind me opened, and I flashed Brock a cheeky grin before wriggling through the window and slowly lowering myself until I was hanging by my fingertips. The last thing I saw was his dumbfounded expression as I plummeted out of sight.

The drop was a lot bigger than I expected. It was about three metres high, which was a dangerous fall, even for me. I was airborne for a second, limbs thrashing then I landed on my left foot with a jolt that went all the way up my spine. My ankle screamed and throbbed in pain but I had to move.

"DAD! SHE'S ESCAPING!" I heard Brock shriek. So much for 'I'll protect you"! Brock had betrayed me at a moment's notice.

I hauled myself to my feet and started to hobble. I grunted in frustration as each step sent shocks of pain up my leg. I was too slow. Panic began to set in as I toppled over, landing hard on my hands and knees. I couldn't keep going like this. I could hear raised voices inside the house as Brock told everyone what had happened. I glanced down at my ankle. It had already started to swell up, but it was probably just a sprain, not broken, or I wouldn't be able to walk at all.

I couldn't run, but could I crawl? Once I was in the In Between, I would be able to hide myself sufficiently. But out here in the open on my hands and knees I would be easy prey. I started moving, making sure to keep my left ankle off the ground. I was so close to the edge of the first when the front door slammed open. I put on a burst of speed, dragging myself into the In Between. Did they see me? As fast as I could, I took in my surroundings, scanning for hiding places. Up a tree - too hard to get up. In a bush - not big enough to cover me entirely. Further into the forest - I wouldn't make it. Finally, I spotted a hole in a tree. On further examination, I figured out that the tree was hollow and had a flap of bark covering the entrance. Perfect. To say I made it in the nick of time was an understatement. I heaved myself towards it, climbed in and curled into a protective ball like a hedgehog. The bark flapped closed and it went dark. It was warm-ish and dry and most importantly, from the outside it looked like a normal tree.

I heard footsteps, and froze. I didn't realise how loud my breathing was until now. Voices belonging to Brock, Geoff, Calvin and Blaye called out.

"Leave her, she'll get eaten by wolves by the morning anyway." Geoff said, his voice muffled through the bark.

"No!" Calvin sounded furious and I shrank into a tighter ball. "I am not letting that annoying brat get the better of me." He raised his voice. "GIRL, I'M GOING TO HAVE YOU BEGGING FOR MERCY BY THE TIME I'M FINISHED WITH YOU." I gulped and closed my eyes.

"Let's go further in. She's probably ran way further than this by now." Brock said nervously, and the group moved on.

I was tired from the ordeal and my ankle was throbbing so hard that I slowly fell asleep...

When I woke up I had no idea where I was. It was dark. I stretched out my fingers to brush hard wood. I was inside the tree. I pushed on the bark groggily and a ray of sunlight blinded me for a second. It was the next day and some time in the afternoon. Then I froze. Blaye was sitting on a fold-up chair, his back to me. Should I go back and hide in the tree or try to make a bolt for it? He made the decision for me when he whipped his head around and grinned like a hyena.

"Hello, Princess. How'd you sleep?" I was up and running immediately, even though my ankle screamed in pain. Behind me I heard Blaye talking into a walkie talkie.

"I found her, Calvin. Hiding in a hollow tree. Looks like she's hurt her ankle." Desperately I tried to hobble faster, but Blaye caught me in five quick strides. He grabbed the back of my collar and lifted me clean off the ground. I screamed in his ear as loud as I could and punched him in the face.

Blaye was really mad now. He reached down and grabbed my left ankle, though he didn't squeeze. I gulped, anticipating the pain that would come.

"Just remember, earth girl that you chose the hard way..." He twisted my ankle and I heard a cracking noise and someone screaming. As I fainted, I realised the person screaming was me. 

Long chapter this time, thanks for reading! Vote and comment, you'll make my day! I post a new chapter every single day, but I have been thinking about doing every second day as its getting kind of stressful. Comment your thoughts. 

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