Chapter 10 - A letter

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He roared, pulling back and hissing in pain. I could see my teeth marks above and below his lips before they started to bleed. I worked up a mouthful and spat his blood on the floor like it was poison I was desperate to rid from my mouth. Then I looked up. He drew back his arm, then thrust it forwards. The gun crashed into my face with devastating force. I screamed as white hot pain was punctured by perfect darkness.


She had been asleep since yesterday morning, and it was now well into the afternoon. I looked in shame at her bruised ankle that was only just starting to heal, her black eye, her dirt-stained clothes, her ragged hair and the scrapes and bruises all over her body. I had promised to protect her and I had failed, miserably. She deserved better. She deserved to be at home with her loving family and with a handsome boy making her happy. Even if that boy wasn't me.

I shook myself. These were not the thoughts of a fire warrior. This girl was the enemy. I should be happy she was hurt. But all I felt was empathy. Finally, she blearily opened her eyes. Well, eye. Her black eye stayed firmly shut. I wondered what Calvin had hit her with.

"You really do faint a lot, don't you?" I said observantly.

"Only cause your dad and his friends like bashing me up." Guilt overcame me before I shocked myself back to the present. She was plotting against me, trying to get me to sympathise with her. I couldn't let it work.

"Well maybe try being good for once."

"That's kind of hard when they're going to hurt me no matter what I do." This conversation wasn't going to get us anywhere.

"You got mail."

"What?" Her face creased in confusion.

"Calvin's been trying to ransom you to your father. He sent back a box that only opens with your fingerprint." I explained. She smiled in what seemed to be pride at her fathers cleverness. I pulled the black box from my pocket and reached for her hand. She jerked it away best she could, tied to the chair.

"I need your fingerprint." I said, frustrated.

"Make me. Go on, hit me." What did she plan to achieve by doing this?

"I don't hit girls." I said firmly.

"Your dad doesn't seem to have a problem with it."

"Give me your hand." I repeated, trying to seem calm, though on the inside I was a bundle of emotions.

"Untie me first." I sighed at her stubborn expression and loosened the ropes on her right hand. She pulled it free and immediately grabbed the box. I rolled my eyes but didn't try to stop her. Whatever was in there would be easy to wrestle off her once she was finished with it. Briella awkwardly pressed her finger against it and it opened with a hiss and clicking of gears. Inside was a letter.


Dear Briella, my beautiful daughter,

I want to save you. Please remember that. But my advisers are telling me that if I did try to give the crown to the fire clan, they would elect a new leader immediately. They say everything is under control and I shouldn't get involved. So I hope you understand when I tell you that all trying to help you would do is stop me being the leader. You wouldn't want that, would you? I know you are strong and will bear this as an earth warrior. You're a fighter at heart, Briella. Fight those cowards and win then run all the way home.

I have warriors looking for you, so don't worry. I don't want to give you extra burden, but Ivor is suffering from blood loss. The healers aren't sure that he will live. I'm so sorry, my beautiful girl. If we do find evidence they have treated you really bad, or hurt you, I promise I will stop at nothing to get you back.

Your dad,

Nick Fog, leader of the Earth clan

I crumpled up the letter with difficulty, only having one hand. Ivor was probably dead by now. My dad wasn't going to save me. And the sad part was that I thought he actually cared about me. 

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