Chapter 13 - A lesson

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"The fire clan is the smartest clan, you earth clans have mud in your ears." Calvin said superiorly. I swung back my fist and punched him square in the face. His mouth opened in a comical O of surprise.

"Yeah? That warrior you shot - the one lying beside me at the training centre, he was my brother." Oh no, why am I telling him this?

"Liar." Calvin hissed, his face going red..

"The heir to the throne and you just ignored him! Wasted an opportunity to be rich. You are a terrible leader. No wonder your men ignore your orders."

"SHUT UP!" Calvin screamed as veins popped in his forehead. He ripped his wrists out of my grasp and shoved me off him as though I was a fly. He grabbed the collar of my shirt and hit my face again and again with the front and back of his hand. I felt like a rag doll, unable to protect myself or fight back. But I was done being the damsel in distress. I lashed out with my foot instinctively and kicked him as hard as I could in the privates.

"STOP!" Calvin groaned, falling to his knees. Geoff lowered the camera. I went to kick Calvin again, but Blaye wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me backwards and taking me by surprise.

"Edit that bit out, Geoff. As for you, little miss, I'm going to teach you a lesson." Calvin growled.

His hands closed around my neck. I tried to scream, clawing ineffectively at Calvin's iron grip but all that escaped my mouth was a rasping gurgle. I tore ribbons into his arms with my fingernails, but nothing stopped the look of grim determination on his face. I couldn't breathe. I was going to die.

"You're gonna be good for me, little girl." he hissed so close to my face, I flinched at the spittle flying from his mouth.

"Or I will kill you, right here and now."

"Stop it!" Brock tore his hands away from my neck, and I collapsed against Blaye, desperately sucking in great lungfuls of breath. Calvin turned his furious gaze to Brock.

"Don't- Don't hurt her in front of me. Please. I don't want to watch." Brock offered weakly.

"Tough luck. If you want to be a part of the family business, you have to get used to it. Some kids need a little slapping around to put them in their place." Geoff said, his mouth a hard line.

"Spare the rod and spoil the child." Calvin sneered. "Now stop wasting time and get editing, Geoff. Blaye, Brock, you take her back to her room. We are going to show Nick Fog that his daughter isn't as strong as he thinks."

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