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15 years later...

"Hey guys I got a new guitar!"
Frank Iero, a friend we met through Mikey.
"That's awesome, we can go record new songs now!"
Ray Toro, we've been friends since 3rd grade.
"We ran out of coffee"
Mikey Way, he's like a brother to all of us.
"We'll get more soon, don't worry"
Gerard Way, my husband and the most amazing person there is.

The guys wanted to start a band and I decided to join.
I play the drums, Frank and Ray both play guitar, Mikey's on the bass and Gerard sings.
It's awesome.
We have released 2 albums already and it's going well.
Gerard's been struggling with mental health but the whole band has been there for him.
We're currently making a new album about the mystery Black Parade me and Gerard have seen.
We all got our own Black Parade jackets and Gerard cut his hair and dyed it white, Ray dyed his fro black and Mikey cut and dyed his hair too.
Gerard looks exactly like the leader, probably because the leader was him.
Mikey left the band for a bit because of depression but he's back now and everything's okay.
We're like a family, a family of weirdos.
It's been us against the world and we've been through a lot.
No matter how shitty it gets we have each other's backs.
We argue but it's never anything too serious.
Mikey and Gerard fight for the eyeliner sometimes but that's what siblings do.

The End

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