𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏. 𝑨 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆 𝒅𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒎

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*alarm noise*





"*yawn* oh, it's already time for school?" Come on body wake up. You don't want to be late for school ;;

You woke up, did your bed and went to take a quick shower.


After for a while you went down stairs to greet your mom, you and your brother ate breakfast together...

"Omma, I'm going now! Thank you for the meal!" You ran quickly and grabbed your backpack and went to the car not even caring to wait for Hyeon. "Oh! Darling be careful!" Your mom worriedly said cause any moment you were literally gonna fall.

Hyeon said thank you to your guy's mom as well and quickly went to the car. He doesn't want to be late too of course.

"Sir, ma'am, are you both ready?" You both of your brother nodded and the driver got ready to drive off to your guy's school.

"*sigh* I don't want to be late today, please drive faster?" Hyeon said quite dramatically and you glanced at him making the '😒' face.

"It's always that. Everytime when we drive off to school." You rolled your eyes cause your tired of hearing that EVERY SINGLE day.

"What? At least I never was late when we had seperate schools." You stared at him blankly and sighed as you stared at the opposite window.

Even tho your older brother was hecking annoying, (the ones with an older brother can relate to this LMAO even I have one) you really admired your older brother a lot. You both have a lot of things on common, he's also popular among the girls in your school with the same grade as him, but he doesn't really care about them at all. All he cares about is his dream career, studies, and of course, family.


You guys finally arrived at your school, you went inside with your brother and looked at your lockers. "Huh, what's this? There's 8 letters on my lockers.." You got confused even tho you were given many love letters at the past, but this is the first time you've ever received 8 at once. "I have 2 in mine. Not really surprised. *sigh* people just want to get rejected and cry about it." Hyeon closed his locker and was about to go to his class. "Bye y/n, be careful."

Be careful? Of what-
"Oh okay, bye brother."
You walked To class like always, but you kept thinking on who gave the love letters to you. The bell rang and you tried to brush the thoughts about it and focused on your lessons.


Why would 8 of the people who gave me the letters want to meet me here on the rooftop? It's weird that 8 of them want to meet in the exact same place and time... Speaking of them, where are they?

"Sorry for making you wait for so long!" An anonymous voice called at to you and you turned your head to see them 8! But.. Something was wrong..
Wait... Who are they? Why can't I see their face properly? Am I crazy or something?

They all ran to you and surrounded you. "Uh hello? ;;" you were quite... Scared. You tried to back off a little but someone hugged you behind. You were standing there, frozen shock. (You guys know who's the cuddle bug in skz ^^)
"Y/n...we want to tell you something.. "
"Wait wait, who are you guys first?? Is this kind of illusion or something?!"
You closed your eyes out of scaredness and then...

(Hii yes it's a cliff hanger AHAHAH I hope this wasn't cringe and all ,cause I was legit trying my best 😭 anyways you can go to the next chapter babye 💃)

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