𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟐𝟎. 𝑩𝒖𝒔𝒚 𝒅𝒂𝒚

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You sweated, blushing like crazy trying to focus painting the stars he finished before rubbing your thigh. He continued rubbing it softly making you shake not being able to paint calmly. (No this is NOT going to be a lemon, if you were expecting that I am so sorry I can't do that 😭, I need to respect the idols privacy and personal space,
sorry! ) "Are you guys doing okay there?" Jeongin said. "Yes, y/n's doing great! I'm almost done with the planets too!" Felix said with a big smile.

"That's good news then, we'll be able to finish quick." Jeongin smiled back. Felix...if you could take your hand off that would be great- TT "well, I was enjoying it.." "How did you-" "it was obvious, it's written on your face." Since Felix realized you were kinda uncomfortable with it, he took his hand away and continued cutting the shapes more. Aw, now I feel bad. You thought, but, you thought of the things that would happen if both of you ended up together, but you felt like you just won't never work out. Your afraid your going to loose your childhood best friend.

You shook it off, and continued painting. You had decent art skills so it was a peice of cake doing so. "I'm done, how about you guys?" Jeongin asked. "Almost done too! I just need to paint the remaining cuts." You smiled. "That's great! We're making huge progress and it's amazing. You both did a great job on doing this." you and Felix smiled. "Alright, let's wrap this up and finish."

*time skip*

irst person POV:

"Thank you guys for coming! Please do come visit again anytime!~" mom said as both of the boys went ahead and said goodbye. "Let's walk together?" Jeongin asked Felix. "Sure! Wait before I go-" I blinked for a second and Felix immediately hugged me. "Woah, that was sudden-" without hesitation, jeongin also went ahead and joined the hug. "Aww, look how cute they are!" Mom said while curling her lips. Hyeon was definitely annoyed, I didn't care cause, who would even in the first place?"

"Okay, we're actually gonna leave now haha, Felix?" Jeongin waiting for Felix outside the door. "Oh! Yea, bye y/n!!" "Bye guys!" I said with a smile and Felix happily hopped to the door while waving. Jeongin was also waving goodbye and closed the door. As soon as it closes, mom already said something. "You have more boy friends than them don't you? I could feel it~" she said with a smirk. "*sigh* there you go again, assuming things again." You sat down and opened your phone. "Well, I wouldn't have any proof, but I know your probably a campus crush by now hehe." I looked at her with an indescribable face.

"How would she be the campus crush? She acts like she never met a man in her life."
Hyeon said. "At least I'm not desperate for not getting any bitches in school." I replied. "Hey! I get so many fangirls, you can't even count them." "No wonder why you act like them." you probably triggered Hyeons limit lmao. "Now, now, let's not fight, both of you are beautiful because your my children!, you both have me and your dad's face. Handsome and pretty^^"

Third person POV:
"Alright mother, what ever you say" as Y/n went back to her room and her mother smiled. Y/n sat down on her bed, grabbing her phone to check her messages.

"Damn what a cold man. Should've been a bit nicer but oh well, I agreed to have private dance lessons with him anyways. I couldn't blame him." Y/n thought.

Normal POV: (dunno what it's called help)
"Well, he teaches well, for free too." No wonder he's the P.E teacher. You heard from rumors that he was a popular dance choreographer back then, teaching other idol groups to train when he still hasn't been in his school career. You weren't so sure about it, but it had points. He's impressive at dancing, no one could deny.

Next day

"Mom! I'll be going somewhere today." "Sure honey but where?" "Somewhere! Okay bye love you!" As soon as you got to the door, you waved at them goodbye and stepped out. Pretty sure your mom was really confused and worried why you were in a such hurry like you missed your train, you went to the place you were going to.

"Sir! I'm here!" As you were trying to catch your breath. "Hm, finally. I was waiting for you. Didn't thought you would actually remember the second time considering you forget a lot." "okay that was rude but whatever 😒" you replied back, making him giggle. "Anyways, our practice song will be Miroh and.. Hm, you pick." Ah! I love Miroh! I never knew Sir minho was a stan. (He's totally not one of the members) "oh, can we do s/n?" (Song name, I wanted to put knock by chaeyeon, but I think some of you don't know it yet so it's for you to decide!) "Alright that's good."

"Pretty sure you know the Cherography to Miroh already, right?" You nodded. "Now, I'll be dancing with you, after, I'll observe you. Got it?" He was asking looking you straight in the eye, you felt like he was actually serious today. It gave you shivers. "Of course." You replied nervously. "Oh please don't get nervous, I'll just look at you for the rest of the song, that's all." He smirked. You blushing, he laughed and started the music. All you thought that he was really impressive. After carefully observing on how he does the choreo, you were confident. "Now, let's see how you do it yourself." He said starting the music. He didn't even give me a five minute break-

You were nervously dancing, thinking if you made a mistake, it's the end. He was really good at noticing your movement and mistakes. He was enjoying it. After the song, you were extremely exhausted. You sat on the floor and he walked straight to you. "Very impressive, I'd say. You did had some mistakes you probably didn't notice yourself. Over all, great improvement." He smiled. You were relieved. But as you were catching your breath, exhausted as you are, you leaned against him without even hesitating. "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" he pulled you back into his arms again. "Don't worry, I didn't give you a break so it's okay to rest in my arms. Its even better this way anyways." He blushes, glancing to the other side of the room.

You thought of him as extremely adorable. All you did was taking a nap in his arms, and him comfortably letting you lay down. He never really showed affection if you recall. It was a new feeling.

(Naw I've never been so guilty not posting this long💀 I'm really sorry-)

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