𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟏. 𝑨 𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒓?

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You shivered. Not really in a bad way but a good way, I guess? "Oh your already here! You scared me!" Felix said but you snached his phone. You were looking at it with big eyes, staring at the screen. "Yea.. So that happened." Felix looked at you with a concerned face. "Since when did someone record me?? I thought I was all alone when I was at the music classroom!"

      *flash back*

It was time to leave school. It's was dismissal time but you felt like you wanted to do something. Some students are still in school because the people in the student council needed to do work like I.n and of course the upper grades. Including your brother that's why he has more of a late dismissal than you high schoolers. You wanted to visit I.n first before you did what you wanted.

"Hello I.n! It's been a while since we last talked." You entered the student council room. "Oh hello y/n! Your not going home yet?" He asked. "I don't feel like it yet. I wanted to do something first before going home." " don't you have a brother that's waiting for you?" "Oh no, he's 3 years older than me so he's on the upper grade. Of course his dismissal is later than ours." "Ah, yes, right I forgot I'm sorry. We've just been really busy and I think I'm losing my mind from all of this work." he said while giggling. You also laughed. "I'll help you first carry the paper work." You wanted to help him because he and the others looked really busy. "Alright. Thank you."

"I'll go do something now!" "Thank you again!! Let's talk again sometime!" He said and you said welcome while running towards the music classroom. You saw Sir bang chan there that was about to take his leave I'm the classroom. "Oh hello, Y/n. what brings you here?" He said. "Can I borrow the guitar for a minute?" "Oh sure you'll be more than welcome to. Just make sure you won't cause any trouble." He smiled. "Of course! I promise." You smiled back. "Okay, I'll be taking my leave now." He grabbed his bag and walked away. You both waved at each other goodbye.

You waited for Bang chan to leave the room and you walked straight to the guitar. You felt like your voice is good to sing for today and you wanted to use the guitar again since you don't have one back at home. You decided to sing 'here always' (let's pretend it's not from seungmin alr HAHAH 😭) since the song was acoustic and you know how to play the song. You took a deep breath and sang. You let out a beautiful voice that almost felt like it was in heaven. (Not me simping for y/n) you heard someone walk by, but you didn't care that much since you were so into it. No one was there and you can do whatever you wanted. Except that was your thought...

*end of flash back*

"Someone recorded you while you were singing.. " Felix said. "I thought no one was there? I knew it, someone was watching me and recorded me.. Who can that be.. " you looked down at your food. "Look on the bright side. You sang beautifully. It was amazing! But hey at least your famous now ^^" Felix trying to comfort you. "Y know that I don't like being the center of attention. Plus I won't have a peaceful life anymore. I don't want to live like my brother. " you said while eating your food disappointed. But as you were eating sir seungmin and hyunjin passed by. Seungmin was smirking and hyunjin was smiling at you. Were they the one who recorded me?? No one would smirk and smile at me for no reason! You had a feeling it was them and you were SURE about it.

It was already so obvious but they giggled as they sat down to eat their food. You sighed. Felix was confused if your happy or sad. He tried to comfort you as much as he can. You were happy since he was so caring for you. "Let's not think about it too much and just eat. Okay?" He said while smiling and you nodded. You both continued to eat and finished. You were still thinking about it tho. You didn't know what to feel. You were honestly just confused about it. You don't like it nor hate it.

Felix and you just continued school as always. Felix succeeded in making you forget the things that happened and not make it much of a big deal. You were just having fun because Felix was there. Supportive of you and loves you.

What kind of trouble will you witness again tomorrow?

(Random ass chapter LOL)

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