𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟑. 𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒃𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒈𝒓𝒆𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈

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"We're here!" Felix opened the door to the science classroom. As you got in, someone at the front row looked at you both. He was the guy that has the weird aura.. Your eyes widened. "Oh, Good morning I.N!"

 (Yang jeongin why are you so hot and cute at the same time

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(Yang jeongin why are you so hot and cute at the same time. Legit wrecking my bias)

Bowing to the guy who was sitting was now at your front looking at you. "Hello, Felix. Hello there..?" He looked really kind and Felix was quite respectful towards this man, which happens to have the name of I.N?

"Oh, good morning. I'm Park Y/n." You bowed to him and he bowed back. "You must be the new student right?" You nodded. "Right, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Yang Jeongin. You can call me I.n for short, I'm the student council president here.^^" he said with a big smile. Oh, so that's why Felix was so respectful to him. He was the student council president. He looks cute when he smiles tho.. Ah! Y/n it's your first day of school come on.

"You don't have to be that respectful to me haha." You and Felix both laughed with him. "You guys can sit now, let's wait for the teacher." You nodded and Felix was dragging you with him.. Gently, don't worry. "Come on y/n you can sit with me!" "Okay okay you don't have to drag me-"

You both sat down not too far from the front. Then you tugged Felix's uniform gently. Getting his attention, you said, "can you tell me more about, Yang Jeongin?" He tilted his head confused on why you want to know him more. "Well, he has a weird.. Aura. I can't explain it really but can you tell me more about him? Even just a little bit." You pleased and Felix sighed. "Well I can't say no to you. Well you already know his full name is Yang Jeongin. He's quite a good friend of mine. He's mainly popular because of his vocals, duality and visuals."

"A lot of people say he's scary when he's making a poker face, But he's actually a nice person in the inside. Just a little.. Savage, I would say. He doesn't want to scare people that much so he smiles whenever he caughts someone looking at him. Making him less scary. He doesn't really like clingy people too.. He gets angry and scary." Felix looks at the ground. "You mean like the opposite of you? :3" he looks at you embarrassed. "Am I that clingy.. ?" Oh no! I didn't mean to upset Felix!

"O-oh don't worry about being clingy! I find it pretty cute to be honest hehe." Making Felix more embarrassed, he looks at the window. Opposite from your sight. You giggled because it's true. He is pretty cute. Pretty hot too. After a while, the teacher walked in the classroom. And of course, it's just a normal day in school like always.


*school bell rings*

It's been hours since. It's finally time for lunch. Felix walked with you as he toured the school while you were both going to the cafeteria. Of course you would listen to him carefully, but after a while of walking, you both found your seats and ate lunch. There was silence but you broke that. "Hey Felix, what's your favorite subject?" Felix looked at you, saying "Since you know me already, can you guess?" Hmm what would Felix like? Well I guess he likes dancing and he's good at it too.. "Dancing class?" "Oo~ that's a good one." You both continued to talk to each other until lunch was done.


Time skip. Schools done.

"Finally, schools finished." You didn't really like how boring the other subjects are and the dismissal time is so long. Felix giggled saying, "yea, the other subjects were quite boring." You nodded. You were waiting for Hyeon because of course you both have the same car to go on and he's your brother. "I'm here, let's go." Hyeon said after some minutes. You weren't really bored waiting for him because Felix was there with you.

"Oh I guess it's time to go. See you tomorrow Felix!" You hugged him and he hugged back. "See you too!" You both waved at each other, parting ways as you all decided to go home and rest. Well not really cause you have more assignments to do (HAHAH)

will you be able to meet more friends and get out of your comfort zone? (Don't worry I have social anxiety too😔)

(Babye 👽)

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