𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟔. 𝑱𝒆𝒂𝒍𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒚

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(This is just the next part of the previous chapter so expect quite a short chapter in this part c:)

(Also a warning Felix stans get ready cause this chapter is for you babes <3)

"W-well.." You tilted your head in confusion, waiting for Felix to answer. "It was nothing I swear!" You sighed. "It's obvious that your lying. I was just worried about you. Tell me, what's wrong?" He calmed himself down. "Well I thought it was just date..you and I.. I don't mean they ruined it! I had fun honestly but, I thought I would get a moment with you alone..!" What he said made your face go in awe.

"I'm sorry.. It's not your fault. It was just a coincidence that we all met. I promise, if you want to.. We could have a date at a restaurant next time?" You smiled softly.
He smiled. "I would love that.. But I want something else though-" "and that is?" He leaned in closer, his hand on your chin, made you immediately looked like a tomato. (Okay I'm getting flashbacks from the your eyes mv) his eyes looking deeply into yours. You didn't know what to do in your position. You just sat there frozen, closing your eyes expecting him to do something.

He then kissed you softly. Which made your eyes grow big In shock. "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to-" he then looked away from you immediately, you still frozen from what he did. You got back to your senses and said, "i-its okay Felix, it made me happy in fact." You giggled in embarrassment while blushing. Him still looking on the opposite side of your sight. You headpatted him. "It's okay, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. " you smiled trying to comfort him. "This is gonna be so akward now..!" "I told you don't worry about it! L-lets just not over think too much okay?" He nodded, still both of you blushing.

He then started to move the car and he drove to your home. "Was that your first kiss?" He nodded slowly. "Me too." You smiled. You both arrived at your house and you stepped out. "Thank you for today Felix! I had a great time" you have him a big smile and and went inside. He then drove off still thinking about the kiss.

"Mom! I'm home!" "Hello dear, how's the hang out?"you put the grocery bags down. "You.. Don't wanna know. It's okay, it was fun tho!" She smiled "that's great." You smiled back. You went to your room and took out the plushie you bought. It's so cute.. You put it near your pillows in the bed. You layed down, thinking about the kiss. Come on it was just an accident.. Is it? You got up and tried to shake it off your head.

I wonder what will happen in school next?

(Sorry a short chapter! I put it in a seperate chapter since I thought the previous chapter was already too long :c and I was on hiatus for quite a while so I decided to extend the fluff chapters! See you next time :D)

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