𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟏𝟗. 𝑨 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒎 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆

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No more shenanigans 👽


Class was over after a few hours. It was dismissal time and your reminded the two where your address is. "Why are you telling it to me? I know it already tho.." Felix looked at you. "Silly it's for jeongin." You giggled. "Oh yea!" You giggled along with jeongin. "How do you know her address, Felix?" "Oh- well, we're childhood friends. Best friends to be exact." He then smiled wide being proud of his position. (We love him)

"Haha, your really lucky" jeongin smiled back." You three walked to the gate while waiting for you brother. After a few minutes of talking to each other for the important stuff in the project, your brother arrived. "Alright let's go." Hyeon said as he was putting his stuff in the car. "Alright see you later!!" You waved at each other and drove off. "What do you mean by.. 'See you later'? Are you going out without mom's permission?"

"Dude it's nothing that special, and no I'm not going anywhere." Hyeon raised one eyebrow "then, how are you gonna see them later?" "They're visiting us later fucking idiot." You rolled your eyes as you looked through the window. "Goddamn who hurt you today?" He sighed and played games through his phone.

You both arrived home and your mother greeted you both with a big smile. "Welcome back! How's school you two?" "It's alright." Hyeon said while taking off his shoes and get a bath. "It was good, also two friends are coming later." "Oh dear you could've told me sooner so I would clean! What time are they arriving and who are they??" You sighed taking your own shoes. "It's only Felix and jeongin. Jeongin is the council president in our grade. They're coming for a group project we need to do. They're coming after an hour.

Your mother hurriedly gets the broom and sweeps the floor. "Oh dear, I need to cook some food too!" You looked at the kitchen and walked upstairs so you could wash off. "I'll do the cooking, later don't over work yourself too much." Your mom sighed while smiling. She didn't have a choice so she continued to clean the house.

You went to your bathroom and turned the water on for a bath. You dipped your hand into the water to check the right temperature. "This should do." You took off your clothes and dunked your self in. (Okay that's enough)

*time skip*

About 15 minutes later you got out of the bath and dresses yourself on a over sized T-shirt with shorts.

(So sorry if you don't like this outfit, you could choose your own if you like :))

You dried your hair with a blow dryer, combed it to a messy bun. (Or any other hairstyle you like) you checked your phone to see how much time you had to cook. You went down stairs to see your mother still cleaning. "Mom, please go rest, I'll handle the others." "But-" "no buts!" You dragged her lightly to the chair for her to rest.

She sighed, you went to the kitchen to make japchae. (If you haven't tasted japchae before, trust me, it's fucking good 😭) you chopped all of the vegetables and boiled the glass noodles. (Let's skip cause I don't know what the process of japchae is LMAO)

*time skip*

You finished making japchae and you plated some of it. "It smells really good dear! You've been improving your cooking skills lately." She smiled big. You giggled in respond. Eventually your brother finally came down the stairs just to get food. "Yea you are useless." You rolled your eyes at him. He basically ignored you and ate.

"Oh? Someone's at the door." Your mother said. "It's them I think." You ran towards the door to see Felix." He hugged you. "What's with the affection suddenly?" You giggled. "Nothing, just missed you, that's all. Oh, good afternoon Mrs, park!" Your mother waved at Felix with a big smile and your brother just looked at him stuffing his face.

"You could eat first. There's food." "No, no, I'll wait for jeongin." He smiled. you both sat down, your mother was really happy. You still didn't know why she was so happy and exited seeing Felix all the time. I mean, it's not like you can disagree. (Stan Felix fr)
Basically what happened was your mom just talking and keep questioning Felix, all you did was sit and laugh at their conversation, it was really cute to see them always getting a long.

After a solid 7 minutes jeongin finally arrived. You opened the door as soon as you heard him nock. "Sorry, I'm a bit late. I got confused where you house was haha" he smiled dear God why is he so perfect

(me when jeongin smiles: perfection, lovely, amazing, beautiful, stunning, angel, cure to my problems in life, stunning, gorgeous, perfect, okay imma stop)

Your mother stood up, walking towards jeongin. "Who's this handsome young man?" She said with joy. "He's jeongin, mom. He's the one I mentioned that he's the student council president in our grade." You said. "Dear, all of your friends are so handsome. Come inside!" Oh.. Well she's not lying tho. "Right at your back." Jeongin replied. "Your mother is really nice." "Haha, sure." You looked away. "Come on she'll be waiting!" You grabbed his hand and pulled him to the dining area. "Oh hello Felix. And you..?" "Hyeon. Nice to meet you." Jeongin nodded. "Your brother?" He whispered. You nodded.

"Come on jeongin you can eat before we start. Felix was waiting for you." "Uh, I'm good, I'm kinda full.." He looked at his tummy. "Aw, y/n's cooking is delicious tho." Your mother said. Jeongin's eyes lit up when he heard it was your cooking. "Oh really?? That's why it tasted so good!" Felix shouted in response. "I'll guess I'll eat some.. " jeongin slowly replied as he went to grab some. (Hes a sly fox for a reason 🤷‍♀️)

I'mma time skip to where they went inside your room cause the chapter is getting long 😭)

You guided them where your room was and you opened the door, they where flabbergasted as they saw it. "Welcome! Sorry if it's uhm, a little messy. I'm not really good at organizing stuff honestly." You giggled. "What do you mean? It's so pretty!!" Felix went to your bed and sat there. "I agree, it honestly shows your personality really well. It's cute." Jeongin smiled. (I'm not going to put a picture of a room anymore cause some of you might not like it so I'll just let you imagine what it looks like c':)

You took a foldable table and placed it on the floor. You put pillows for them to sit on and told them to sit. They say down and you followed them. "Alright so, what should we start?" Felix asked. "First of all we need to make the solar system, and figure out how and what are we gonna say for presentation." "Mhm, should we assign someone for each doings?" You and Felix both nodded in agreement.

"I'll do the script or presentation, Felix, you could cut the planets. You guys could also write some things down for some suggestions. Y/n, you'll do the painting, is that okay?" Thank god we have jeongin on our hands unless we'll be crying in the corner by now. "That's good! I'm okay with it." You said as Felix nodded. You all started to gather the materials and started to work.

(Fan service stars here now LOL)

Jeongin went to your study desk for better concentration/space, leaving you and Felix close together. He was cutting some things for the board, mostly was stars. He was kinda bored cause it was really quiet. To break the silence, he touched your thigh, to get your attention."what in the actual fuck-" he simply smiled at you, saying. "Just continue." SIR HOW TF CAN I FOCUS WHEN UR HAND IS ON MY FUCKING THIGH. You tried to calm down but thinking of it even more made you more embarrassed.

OOOO CLIFFHANGER HAHAH (dw theres more fanservice on the next chapter~ </3)

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