𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟒. 𝑨𝒄𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒄𝒔 𝒐𝒓 𝒃𝒐𝒚𝒔?

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(I'll be simping on this chapter so I'm warning you and I apologize in advance 😭)

As you got up to do the same thing again that happened yesterday. It was your second day of school. As you thought to yourself, I wonder who else can I meet today?

Time skip to school

"Oh hello y/n! I was waiting for you :D" you giggled. "That reminds me of middle school, you always waited for me even how long it took me." "Mhm! Of course!" You both walked and talked together. As always, you felt so comfortable with Felix. You were so comfortable not even words can describe how you missed hanging out with him. This feels nostalgic.

"What do you have on your schedule today?" You took a look at your phone to see your schedule. "Well I have english later, I have math after that too." Felix hummed in response. "I don't have english as my first.. I have math next tho, we can still meet again hehe!" You laughed with him as he walkes you to your first class.

*bell rings*

"Well I need to go now, see you y/n!" You both waved at each other as you watched him run to his class. He's really trying his best... You walked in the classroom. Perfect timing, you weren't late. You were just at the right time.

Suddenly a young man walked in the classroom. Perhaps he's the English teacher? HE DOESN'T EVEN LOOK 20- You thought.

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Your eyes widened. I heard some people muttering about the English teacher being so young and attractive, but I've never thought he would be TOO YOUNG AND ATTRACTIVE-

(Cursing warning 😔)

People beside you was still chatting about the English teacher. They were quite annoying. They feel like nobody hears them but their FUCKING LOUD.

"Class quite down please. We have a new lesson today so please listen carefully and don't miss behave." Woah he's dominant-
All the people in class immediately went quiet. I guess he's quite on the scary side for sure. "Since there's a new student. I would like to introduce myself. I'm Kim Seungmin, the English teacher. I don't like students who misbehaves, better don't want to see how I look when I'm angry.
(But Kim Seungmin your hot and sexy when your angr-)

You bowed to him. (▄█▀█● JK-) the only thing he did was nod at you. You sat back down, a little nervous. You didn't really want to make this man angry. He might even punch someone if he does-.


He was actually such a good teacher. He explains so well. It didn't make you bored at all, it actually made you like it. You didn't really like English class before cause of the grammar and spellings. You got into it now since your current teacher was so.. Nice?

" y/n, can you read the next sentence for me?" You got shocked because he suddenly called you. Shit I didn't expect that I wasn't paying attention- you stood there, frozen and silence filled the room. Seungmin sighed as he went towards you. Oh god is this my last day on earth? He went beside you, pointed at the sentence that you needed to read. *insert random sentence here* "that's how you say it, okay? Don't get to worried. It's normal for you to be shy since you haven't settled in yet." You gulped and bowed to him. Thanking him for mercy. After that you read the sentence he asked you to read. *insert y/n reading the sentence* (MOVE Y/N I'M NEXT)

*class bell rings*

" that's all for class. We have a spelling test on Thursday so please review." He walked out of the classroom. You let out a big sigh because you were too scared to make one tiny mistake. Well, you didn't know that Felix was waiting for you outside, so you immediately went to him. "Felix! You were waiting for me?" He nodded. "Of course! We both have the same next class after all." Smiling to you, you smiled back and said 'okay'. You both walked to the math classroom.

"Hey, Felix can I ask you something?" He hummed. "Were a lot of people scared of Sir seungmin?" You tilted your head, Felix replied, "hmm, I guess you can say that. He's quite scary because he doesn't want his students to fail his subject. He's a good friend of mine tho. ;;" you got shocked. "Woah really? I guess you can even befriend teachers." "Haha, it's not that hard actually, I talk to them whenever I feel like it. It made me their friend!" "Well I'm not you so-" he laughed.


"Were here at math class!" you sighed and thought, math.. God I hate this fucking subject. When you came back to your senses, you and Felix both sat down next to each other as always. You guys waited for the math teacher and after a few minutes, someone went inside and greeted all of you.

"Good morning students!" Someone with a big smile went inside the classroom. He also made a weirdly cute voice ;;..


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People in the classroom suddenly became so lively... I guess the math teacher is really kind? He looks so big and scary tho! ( know Changbin is short, let him have this one also Y/n is such a scaredy cat tsk tsk.) Felix became happy too. I guess he's one of the students who likes the teacher. I hope he's not one of those teachers who are mean whenever I got an answer wrong.

"hello new student. I'm Seo Changbin your math teacher for today!" He said with a big smile. So muscular yet so kind and cute-


You were quite shocked actually, Felix was so participative in Sir Changbin's class. (Changlix moment 😍) he was really.. Into it. It's like he's been waiting for this moment.

Time skip

"That's all for class, thank you for participating always my dear students!" He waved at us while leaving. All of us in the classroom waved back to him and he walked off. It was time for lunch again. "Hey Felix, you were so participative in math class, do you like math?" "It's not like I like the subject.." "So you like the teacher?" "What? No! I'm only loyal to you yknow!" "Yeah yeah" you laughed making Felix even more embarrassed.

At the cafeteria

"Hey y/n, have you chose a club yet?" You nodded your head on the opposite way. "Nope, not yet." "How about you choose one after we eat!" You sighed and said sure. Felix was really exited for you to pick a club, wishing you pick the one that he's in.

What would be the club you will choose?
Would you be able to be with Felix in your club?

(Here I think you need it 🍪)

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