𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝟗. 𝑪𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒑𝒊𝒆𝒄𝒆

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(I'm writing this legit in midnight btw 😭👍)

You and Felix were both walking, well, kinda running too.. Let's just say speed walking. "We have art next right?" You nodded. He was abnormally happy, I mean he's always happy when he's with you. Not like you don't like it or anything. It's actually one of the things why you love him. You also wonder about how he has so much energy in him...

A few minutes passed and you guys finally arrived art class. "Sit next to me y/n!" You sighed "I already know dummy." You giggled and Felix laughed too, rubbing the back of his head. The art classroom had a lot of painting supplies, such as loads of paint and canvases. Each one of the students get their own painting set and paintbrushes. You we're honestly exited for this since you kinda enjoy doing paintings, just moving your brush freely with paint until it creates a master peice. (Tbh I do sketch well but coloring my drawings or doing paintings is such a pain in the ass I'm so bad at it)

You were both doing some things while waiting for the art teacher. Felix was minding his own business, looking at the window but you suddenly grabbed his hand making him jump. "What's with you suddenly?" He said lightly blushing. You put your hand on top of his. "We almost have the same hand size. Mine is a little (bigger or smaller). Your hands are so tiny. ('Tiny hand' do you guys remember that from i.n? 😭) it's so cute."

He blushed even more, making you giggle your too easy to tease Felix. He immediately took his hand off yours, embarrassed, he look away from you. But just in time the teacher came in

 But just in time the teacher came in

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(Why tf is hyunjin so handsome)

He walked in and everyone was looking at him. Especially the girls, all of them were blushing. Smiling in excitement as the teacher went to the front of the classroom. Why tf is he sparkling. You thought to yourself. There were cherry blossoms and sparkles around him. You stared at him with a weird face. Making Felix look at you. "What's up with the face?" He tilted his head. "I don't really know I just see a weird aura from him that probably I can only see." Felix raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure your not half asleep??" "Of course I'm not. Let's just focus-" Felix nodded and payed attention to the teacher who was busy with organizing his things.

After a few minutes he finally finished. "Well I need to introduce myself I guess. I'm Hwang Hyunjin. Born in 2000. I'm the art teacher." He was looking at you while saying those so after he finishes you nodded. "Since I don't want to pressure the new student I won't be giving lessons nor quizes today. Let's just say were gonna do art. Yes, anything that you want to paint in the canvas, I will be displaying the most beautiful ones outside the classroom wall." He said with a little smile. He seemed like a normal one. You thought to yourself.

"You can start now. I will be looking at all of your artworks." He then sat next to the teacher's desk but he grabbed a canvas so he doesn't get bored I think. He started to paint on his own too. Meanwhile Felix was just having fun drawing random stuffs. He was drawing.. I guess a cat and a chick? "Woah that's really cute." You said while looking at his work. "Thank you! But what are you gonna draw on yours?" He asked. "Uh, I don't know.. I'll think of it." You smiled to him. Him smiling back at you and continued to do his artwork. You sighed and thinked of a design. The only thing you could think of is a sunset. To make things not basic, you decided to design it was a sunset on a beautiful beach. You messy sketch you work first before you paint.

After a while of sketching you painted it finally. You were coloring the full canvas before you add shadings and highlights. Hyunjin finishes his painting already but he got bored so he decided to look at other's work. He was nodding his head while looking at the works. You got nervous because he might actually criticize your work. Meanwhile Felix was really happy. "I'm done!" He said while hyunjin was already at the back of you both. You got chills at your back. "Is that a.... Cat and a chick..?" He seemed quite confused on his drawing. Felix nodded happily. You were looking at other's artworks and the others looked hella good. You got more nervous.

"It looks cute Felix." He smiled, while Felix was really happy about hyunjin's compliment. He then looked at yours and widened his eyes. Is that a good sign or a bad sign?? You thought. "That's really good! Especially your a new student in this school. I'm impressed." You exhaled. You were glad that he liked it. " thank you sir." You bowed your head. He then came closer to your ear. Making you freeze in horror. "I might actually display this." He then smiled like it was nothing. Apparently Felix was watching. He looked... Not happy at all. Was he jealous? You looked at him confused. "What's wrong?" You said.

"It's nothing." He pouted a little. trying to distract himself while looking at your art. "Wah! That looks so cool!!" "Sh! Keep your voice down a little.. And thank you." You smiled.

*bell rings *

"Class is done! Go to your next respectful class." Hyunjin said as everyone grabbed their things and exited the classroom. "We have Korean class next right?" You nodded. And like always, you and Felix walked at the next class while talking with each other.

(There's a little fan service on this chapter so HAHA)

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