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Recap- Swati was waiting for manik to talk.

Without giving a chance Swati to talk manik started" I have no idea why you have a problem with nandini, she is doing something your daughter failed to do and nandini is being a lifesaver which soha damaged to such an extent I thought I would lose my son. So before you think that you can control mahir, remember he will do what he wants to and meet whoever he wants to meet, for the sake of your grandson, don't meddle in things you have no idea about."

Swati was too stunned to speak, she kept staring at manik not knowing how to react because this will be the first time manik is talking back to her. Even when Soha cheated on him, he never directed any anger toward her because she knows she is the one who pushed him to marry soha. But today because of a third person manik does not wants her to meddle in Mahir's life. She left the house without telling anything.

Manik just took a deep breath and sat on the sofa in the living room, face buried in his hands. Manik felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to see Aryaman. Before manik could say anything Aryaman said " you should have told her not to meddle when you had issues with soha, mahir wouldn't have been like this."

Manik gave him a confused look but Aryaman sighed and sat opposite manik

Manik- I am not in the mood for your riddles

Aryaman just smiled and said " I am not doing riddles, it is time that you start deciding what is good for you and mahir and stop thinking that you have hurt ma. She is going to be fine. If you wouldn't have told her then I would have definitely told her to stop meddling in your life."

Manik nodded his head, he knew it was pointless at this point, so he just let go of it.

But that was not the case with mahir, he wanted to meet nandini, he is happy with her, and more he has the task of getting the baby a father.

"I will definitely find a father for the baby". Thinking that he slept.

Neither nandini nor manik knew how their life is going to change.

New day with new hope and new demand or you can say new requests.

Just the usual day for the father and son, but manik noticed that mahir is not attentive to what he was saying, manik thought it was because of what Swati said yesterday.

Manik- mahir, (slowly turned his head towards manik) are you thinking about yesterday(mahir nodded his head in NO, and manik held his hands) you can tell me.

Mahir still did not say anything, then they quietly finished their breakfast.

Manik- come on let us get you ready for school

Mahir- I don't wanna go to school

Manik- you want to meet nandini

Mahir without answering nodded his head in no, manik was shocked, manik concluded that because of Swati mahir is going back to his shell again.

Taking mahir in his arms manik continued

Manik- see mahir you don't have to give up on Nandini just because your grandma said so, if you want to meet her you can meet, now tell me you want to go

Mahir- no

Manik (was confused but left the matter)- ok then what do you want to do

Mahir shrugged his shoulders

Manik- so you want to come to the office with me

Mahir nodded his head

Both left to get ready for the day. All through the way to Malhotra industries, mahir was quiet, he usually would want to meet nandini. Soon they reached their destination.

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