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Recap- mahir asks manik to be the baby's father.

Manik- you mean Nandini's baby

Mahir nodded

Manik did not know what to do, he did not answer mahir

Manik- we will talk about this when we reach home, you wanna go somewhere else

Mahir nodded his head in NO.

manik(turning to Aryaman)- we are leaving

Aryaman was too stunned to speak anything. All through the way, manik kept glancing at mahir, but mahir was happy as though he accomplished something huge.

They reached the house, manik did not know how to start the conversation again, but mahir made it simpler for him.

Mahir- papa will you become baby's father

manik(sighed and took him in his arms and sat down in the living room)- mahir can you be honest with me(mahir nodded) why do you want me to become baby's father

Mahir- because baby needs a father and you are the world's best father.

Manik was happy hearing this

Manik- but anybody else can become...

Mahir(cutting him in between)- no I want you

Manik- mahir, if I had to become baby's father, then I will have to marry nandini and nandini becomes your mother. (taking a pause) do you want nandini as your mother?

Mahir- no, I don't want anything, I just want you to become the father

Manik (having an internal battle)- you don't want a mother and want me to become the baby's father.

Mahir nodded, manik did not know how to react to this, mahir does love the baby more than anything that he is ready to share with his father?

Manik- ok let me think about this,

Mahir nodded and hugged him and Manik took him in his arms, not knowing exactly what to do.

The whole day the father and son spent time together, manik was thinking about what to do, and mahir did not ask anything else.

Nandini was having a usual day, after mahir left she had spent her time with her baby, talking and sharing her mind.

However the next day she got an uninvited and not so welcomed guest.

It was none other than madhayam's mother, Nethra Singhania, She is not that important, she is someone who always had problems with nandini. Whether it be nandini working, or making any decisions for madhyam. Now, why did she visit nandini?

Nandini did not make any scene she invited nethra inside "come inside," nethra did not say anything but she came inside and sat in the living room. Nandini was quiet, she knew if this lady visited her meant that she is bringing in trouble so as not to drag her visit longer nandini asked her, " why are you here Mrs. Singhania?".

Nethra gave her a look of displeasure, "this is how you treat your guest"

Nandini sighed," I treat the guest better whom I invited, not someone who did not even consider that I existed."

Nethra glared at her, " because of your attitude, my son lost his interest in you."

Nandini gave a forced smile and said," I am glad he lost interest because I don't have any plans in entertaining him any further."

Nethra glared and spoke," I am not here for you I am here for my grandchild who will the heir to the Singhania."

Nandini was angry, ' what grandchild, no one from the Singhania family has any right over my child."

Nethra laughed, "how did you decide that?"

Nandini controlled her temper, "your son has signed the papers stating that he doesn't have any rights on my child."

Nethra gave her a cunning smile," yes that was madhyam, not the Singhania family, even if he signed that the child still belongs to our household."

Listening to this nandini lost color on her face. Not knowing what to do, nandini stayed mum and nethra took the opportunity, "if we don't have any right over the child then we will have to meet in the court." nandini calmed herself, " why madhayam does not want anything to with my child and I will make sure none of you can even see my child. You think coming here and telling me that you will go to the court, then let me tell you that I have the signed documents and the proof that your son cheated."

Nethra snickers, " what about grandparents' love, I am sure the court is going to think about it." By now Nandini's patience has run out, "I will give evidence that it is your parenting fault that your son cheated on me. How does that work."

Nethra did not expect this but still, " ok then my dear we will see in the court." she took out the documents and kept them on the table, and left from there.

Nandini just let her tears run, not knowing anything she called Harshad and informed him to come home ASAP.

After Harshad reached nandini told him about what happened, Harshad was beyond angry, but he controlled himself and made nandini calm and promised her that he will be there and nothing will happen.

Nandini did not know what her life will turn into in a few days.

On the other side, manik met naira.

Manik did not know what to answer mahir, so he consulted Dr. Naira and met her in the hospital.

Naira- I understand the situation but I don't exactly understand your concern.

Manik- you said that mahir does not need a mother, now he wants me to marry nandini

Naira- Mr. Malhotra, I think he wants you to become the baby's father and not nandini to become his mother. There is a difference.

Manik- I don't understand.

Naira- I think whatever happened to mahir has impacted him in such a way that he wants all the happiness for the person who loves him(the baby) even before he/she is born. Mahir has bonded with the baby way too much. So he wants the baby to have a perfect life, which includes a father too.

Manik- won't he hate nandini

Naira- it depends, their relationship might stay the same or can improve.

Manik was silent all of a sudden he got up, Naira was noticing him

Naira- you are actually considering marrying nandini right?

Manik was speechless, yes somewhere deep down he wants to marry nandini, is it only for mahir and the baby or for himself?

Manik- I will have to talk to nandini

Naira- for what

Manik- what does she think about marrying me.

How is the chapter?

Did you guys actually expect manik to marry nandini for him or for his son?

How will he convince nandini?

Happy Reading.,



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