Chapter- 4

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Manik was so happy seeing Mahir expressing his emotions he was so grateful and did not know how to express his gratitude towards Nandini. On the other side, Nandini did not know the reason behind Mahir's tears ..all she knew was the pain and emptiness in the kid's eyes, she tried asking her friend but no answers ....soon after that Nandini was discharged...

The next day Manik called Naira to discuss the improvement of Mahir...and fixed the appointment ...both Manik and Mahir reached the hospital whereas Nandini also reached for her regular checkup.

Manik was waiting outside whereas Mahir was with naira with an ongoing session ....after an hour naira called Manik inside.

MANIK- how is mahir now

Naira- Mr. Malhotra I don't want to give you any false hopes

MANIK(PANICKED)- what do you mean by false hopes, yesterday I saw him crying...I thought that was a good sign and he is improving.

Naira- yes it was undoubtedly a good sign but what I am going to tell is entirely different (Manik gave a confused look) let me explain ...Mahir is a very bright child but somewhere because of lack of motherly affection or the thought of not being wanted, he is not able to express himself, maybe yesterday when he came to know that someone not related to him love him, his mind overflowed with emotions ... just like any other kid, he started crying...

Manik- so you are telling me that because he doesn't have a mother or motherly affection that is why he is not able to show his emotions.

Naira- well hope that is not the only problem, In the past few years your wife has put this thought in his mind that he is not wanted, so it is obvious now that he thinks no one wants him. In the future, there are chances that he might not even want to talk with anyone. We have to think of a solution before he starts to build an own world of his own in his mind.

Manik- but Dr, I don't get it when I saw him crying yesterday I thought he was coming out of his shell but now this.

Naira- don't lose hope Mr. Malhotra I will make sure Mahir turns out to be like any other kid out there.

 Manik moved outside only to see a scene that blew his mind ...his son Mahir and Nandini were playing and smiling at each other.


Nandini after her checkup moved to meet Naira before leaving. When inquired about her schedule she came to know that only one patient was there so she came to meet her. when she was going towards her cabin she saw Mahir sitting in the waiting room, Nandini saw him and smiled and waved her hand stating hi, Mahir also smiled slightly and waved hi

Nandini smiled and moved towards him and sat beside him ...Mahir was staring at her intently ....Nandini noticed where he was looking and saw that he was staring he her stomach.

Nandini(caressing her stomach)- don't be sad baby ...I know you met him yesterday but I think he doesn't remember us ...(patting her stomach lightly) let us introduce ourselves again( turning towards Mahir and patting on his shoulder) hi name is Nandini (patting her stomach) this is my baby and what is your name


Nandini- nice name (patting her stomach) did you hear baby, his name is Mahir ( turning to Mahir) you did not forget us na...if you would have forgotten us, my baby will feel bad.

MAHIR- no I did not forget you baby (lightly touching her stomach )

NANDINI- oh then you forgot me (Mahir nodded no) anyways it is nice meeting you, did you come to meet the doctor (Mahir nodded) why are you sitting here alone.

MAHIR- my father is inside talking to my doctor

Nandini- oh so you are sitting here alone where is your mother (as soon as Nandini asked that question Mahir's eyes pooled with tears ) arey beta why are you crying I am sorry if I asked something wrong ( she hugged him and was caressing his back) ok I won't ask any question...only if you are comfortable you answer ok...

Mahir nodded, both sat in silence but Nandini can make out that he wanted to ask her something but was hesitating

Nandini- you want to ask something(Mahir nodded) what is it

MAHIR - do you love your baby

Nandini (was taken back with the question but still answered)- yes beta I love my kid so much ...why are you asking me that

Mahir( with tears)- please aunty don't leave your baby like how my mother left me ...

NANDINI- no Mahir don't cry accha I promise I will not leave come on smile at me or else the baby will feel sad ( Mahir smiled slightly) no I want a big smile ...

 Nandini started tickling Mahir and he started laughing ...that is how Manik saw them

Manik for a minute stood there watching his son smiling no wonder after how long...

Naira came from the back and saw them both ....what naira can see is that Nandini smiling genuinely after so many months naira knew how her friend is hiding her sadness because she doesn't want her sadness to affect her kid ...with that an idea flashed in her mind

After some time both Manik and naira were lost in their own thought until Nandini saw them

Nandini- hello guys where are you both lost

Naira- no where nandu...done with your checkup.

Nandini (nodded her head)- let's go ( cupping Mahir's cheeks) I hope we meet again ...

Mahir- even I want to meet the baby again

Nandini- you want to meet only the baby and not me

Mahir – no no I want to meet both of you

 Nandini wanted to kiss his cheeks but could not bent

Nandini- Mahir can you climb on the chair

Mahir was confused but still obliged, Nandini cupped his face and kissed his cheeks, and said

Nandini- I really hope we meet again

Nandini and naira left ....whereas manik continued to stare at his son ...


Manik carried Mahir and both of them exited the hospital.

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And guess what will happen in the future?

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Happy Reading.,



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