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Soon the day of Mahir's routine session with the doctor arrived, as usual, Manik was very tense....he still cannot forget what the doctor said last time...

This time even Aryaman joined them

Mahir was inside the cabin whereas Manik and Aryaman was in the waiting room... .soon Nandini joined them

Aryaman - arey nandini you should be resting na

Manik-yes Ms. Murthy you didn't have to come

Nandini - no problem guys... even I wanted to know and I just couldn't stay at home...

Soon the session got over and they were called inside

Naira was surprised to see Nandini there

Naira- nandu you here

Nandini- yeah I just can't sit at home

Naira nodded and asked them to sit

Manik- doctor is there anything to worry about

naira( smiled)- no Mr. Malhotra he has improved a lot ...but yes he still has issues in talking to new people but that every child goes through that phase ...and Mr. Malhotra I see that your bond with your son has also improved ... I suggest spending more time with him

Manik- yes doctor I try to be involved in his daily life as much as possible

Naira- good but I suggest you should start doing something which will make Mahir to look forward to

Manik- like

Naira- like playing together know learning something new together or playing sports

Manik nodded his in understanding

Naira - that's it (turning to Mahir) I will see you again ...

Manik- thank you, doctor

Naira- mention not Malhotra ...(turning to Nandini) nandu can you wait out I just want to talk t Mr. Khurana

Aryaman was surprised and grinning like a stupid

Nandini nodded and moved out with Manik and Mahir

Aryaman- so doctor what do you want to talk to me

Naira- have a seat Mr. Khurana (Aryaman sat down) I just want to know why Mahir's mother left him now and why not when Mahir was a little toddler.

Aryaman- why does that have to do anything with the session

naira( she sighed ...she knows that it is really a sensitive topic and Manik was not able to talk as well )- Mr. Khurana do you understand what Mahir's mother impacted on his brain do you feel when you realize people don't want you and you think you asking something to others will cause disturbance in their life, do you think it is easy for Mahir should thank god that Mr. Malhotra decided to bring him here on time.

Aryaman- I understand doctor but why do you want to know why she divorced late

Naira- a few days back Nandini told me that Mahir is hesitant to talk to Manik, that Mahir thinks he will disturb his work even though he said his dad will not be busy ...see the scenario is simple if she wanted to divorce and leave she could have done that soon after she gave birth but why to wait for 5 years harm the child and then take divorce ...all this was not necessary

Aryaman- all this happened because of my mother (naira gave a confused look) yes it happened because of my mother ...

Naira- how is this because of your mother ....

Aryaman- soha as in man's ex-wife and Manik were supposed to get divorced after a year of their marriage but my mother didn't want that to happen so she threatened soha saying that she will make sure to destroy her boyfriend's career and also told that Manik likes her and he did not want to divorce her ...this instigated soha and she thought that Manik is the one who instigated her mother against her all this Manik did want to divorce but the news of her being pregnant came out and Manik canceled the divorce filed ...

Naira- probably she started hating the child because she thought that the child caged her life ..and one more thing how influential is your mother in Mahir's life

Aryaman- Mahir does not mingle with my parents much know sometimes my mother can be a little extra but she loves him a lot

Naira- does she want Mr. Malhotra to marry again(Aryaman was surprised ) I mean to give mahir a mother

Aryaman- naira what do you want to say and second marriage you really think after what happened with Mahir Manik wants to marry again

Naira- no Mr. Khurana ...during my session with Mahir he told me that his grandmother is going to be a new mother but the fact that he was not happy about that thing ... I doubt that he ...

Aryaman- he what

naira(taking a deep breath)- he doesn't like having a mother now

Aryaman- you mean to say he doesn't want a mother ... I mean is he over with his feelings

Naira- yes as of now his memories with his mother don't bother him much... I think he feels he doesn't need his mother now

Aryaman- ok isn't it a good thing

Naira- yeah it is but not when your mother is trying to bring him a mother ... I would say that you stop your mother for now ...or else Mahir will start hating the word mother or even the person who becomes his mother ...

Aryaman(nodded)- but why do you want to talk to me why not Manik

Naira- because if I say that Mahir does not need a mother Mr. Malhotra will probably never marry in his entire life

Aryaman nodded in understanding soon Aryaman received a message from Manik saying that all three were in the restaurant and told both of them to join them ..Aryaman replied 'okay '

Aryaman- looks like they are in a restaurant shall we join them

Naira nodded and both left to join the trio

In the restaurant

As usual, Nandini was feeding Mahir but for a change, even Manik was trying to feed him and succeed as well

Naira- accha nandu what plan next

Nandini- I am going shopping for the baby

Naira nodded in understanding ...there is another habit of Nandini... all the work related to the baby Nandini does not expect or lets anyone help her, she wants to do it all by herself

Mahir- even I want to come

Nandini- sure why not ...only when your father gives you permission

Mahir( turned to Manik)- papa please..can I go

Manik- of course, why not ...but don't trouble her so much.

Mahir jumped with joy ...everybody was happy to see him happy

Soon Nisha joined them

All 6 of them had a great time together ...soon enough all retired to their respective work except for Nandini and Mahir, they were going shopping and Manik told Nisha to accompany them, the three of them left to the mall.

How is the update?

I was reading the comments for the previous chapters, I loved reading those, and thank you so much for that. 

And for those who don't comment, still, I am happy you guys are reading, but I will not know whether you guys like it or not.

So I have come up with this idea, for those who are shy or don't want to comment " leave a heart or a smiley face if you like it and if you don't like you can leave an angry face.

But I would still love to read comments and engage with you guys more.

Happy Reading.,



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