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Mahir was silent ...time to time he was observing cabir ....even cabir noticed it but kept quiet finally breaking the ice

Mahir- uncle can I ask you something

Cabir- yeah sure

Mahir- what did that aunty mean that baby doesn't have a father

cabir(clueless as to what to answer)- which aunty Mahir

Mahir- the aunty in the mall

cabir(sighed)- that means Nandini is not with her husband because she divorced him know what divorce is right

Mahir- yes like my mom and dad are not staying together

Cabir- yes..that is why baby doesn't have a father

Mahir- will it affect the baby

Cabir- to an extent, yes but I am sure Nandini can handle

Mahir- what should Nandini aunty do to get the baby a father

cabir(giving mahir a look)- she should marry another person

Mahir- what kind of person

Cabir- someone who will love the baby like his own and take care of the baby without any hard feelings

Mahir- oh.

Cabir- oh...just oh...I never knew you talk so much

Mahir just smiled that is the cue to cabir that Mahir doesn't want to talk more

Soon they reached Malhotra mansion with Mahir running inside and cabir following with Mahir's shopping bags. Manik was waiting for Mahir in the living room

Mahir(running to Manik and sitting on his lap)- daddy I missed you

Manik(smiling)- you wanted to go shopping at that time you didn't remember me

Mahir just pouted that is when Manik saw cabir coming in, lifting Mahir in his arms

Manik- are you it has been a long time

cabir(putting the shopping bags on the sofa)- yes I am fine how are you

Manik- great as you can see

Cabir- well you have a beautiful house

Manik- thanks ...and what are these bags

Cabir- I don't know I think these are for Mahir

manik(asking mahir)- what are these mahir

Mahir- Nandini aunty brought me these

Manik- did you thank her(Mahir nodded) good (turning to cabir) then cabir what will have

Cabir- no not needed I just want to talk about something

Manik- go-ahead

Cabir- last time I met Aryaman he told me MH LABELS(short for Mahir) are introducing fab 5 under their company and he also told me that the owner of that company is you.

Manik- yes cabir that is me

Cabir- I just want to really thank you personally,  you see past two albums have been a drastic fail for us and you giving us the opportunity will really help us once again thank you

Manik- please cabir don't be if you really want to thank then give me a hit album

cabir(smiled and remembered the mall incident)- and yeah one more thing I just wanted to say something which happened in the mall I don't how this is but considering the fact Mahir loves the baby so I think you should know

Manik- is it serious

Cabir- I know apparently navya, I mean fab 5 lead singer madhyam's girlfriend is Nandini old friend I mean not exactly friend a known person ...she doesn't like Nandini and she creates trouble for her so she told Mahir that the baby should be aborted because he or she doesn't have a father ... I think Mahir was little affected by it and he was asking me a lot of question on the way I think you should know so

manik( turning to mahir)- is it true mahir

Mahir( making a sad face)- yes daddy I don't like her

Manik- it's ok mahir you are there na to protect the baby ...right

Mahir- yes daddy I will protect the baby ...and daddy call Nandini aunty she told me to call when I reach home

 Manik dialed Nandini's number and gave it to Mahir

Cabir and Manik smiled seeing him having the conversation

Cabir - then I will take your leave I will meet you at the next meeting

Manik nodded and both shook their hands with that cabir left and Manik turned towards Mahir to see him on the verge of ending the call

Manik- mahir let me talk

Mahir handed the phone


MANIK- hello ms Murthy 

Nandini- hello Mr. Malhotra how are you doing

Manik- I am great and thanks for asking. I just wanted to say thanks for getting so many gifts for Mahir and clearly, you didn't have to do it

Nandini- mention not Mr. Malhotra ...and yes in future also I will definitely buy him more than this and no one can stop me ...take care Mr. Malhotra

Manik- you too ms Murthy


Manik rejected the call and turned toward Mahir

Manik- so what do want to do buddy

Mahir - daddy how can I get a guy for Nandini aunty

Manik(shocked)- what...

Mahir- cabir uncle told me if I want to give the baby a daddy then Nandini aunty should get married again and where can I find that person

Manik- you want to help the baby in getting a daddy (Mahir nodded) then you should probably ask Nandini aunty only

Mahir- what if she doesn't want to answer

Manik- then ask someone close to her like her friends or family

Mahir nodded and both put an end to their day but with a question mark on both of their heads ...Manik wanted to ask about the drawing and Mahir thought about how to get the baby a daddy

The next day

Manik and Mahir were as usual sleeping but today Manik got up early because he remembered the doctor's words about starting something new together with Mahir

Manik saw Mahir sleeping peacefully ...and kissed his forehead and went to freshen up ..after finishing his routine Manik moved to prepare breakfast ...after finishing it Manik went to wake Mahir up and finish the routine both moved to have their breakfast.

Manik(serving dish to Mahir)- so mahir what plan today after school

Mahir- I want to meet Nandini aunty

Manik- that though you already do every day how about you come with me today for a change.

Mahir- no i have something to do

Manik- what

Mahir- daddy you forgot I want to find a daddy for the baby

Manik was a little speechless because Manik thought Mahir will forget the matter but he didn't ...anyway, Manik let it go for now

Manik- ok then let me drop you to school and then you can go meet her

Mahir nodded and both moved towards to start their day.

So I am back with another update.

How is this one?

Manik and Nandini are one step closer, all thanks to Mahir. Few words for Mahir. 

Happy Reading.,



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