Part 1

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Beep beep. The alarm was going off. Madeleine Davids' eyes fluttered open, revealing a beautiful color of blue.
Beep beep. Madeleine slowly grabbed her phone and pressed snooze. She looked at the time and saw it was 7AM.
She yawned slightly and rubbed her eyes.

"Ugh, it's way to early for this bullshit." Madeleine thinks to herself.

It was Monday morning, which could only mean one thing. College. Madeleine was attending the New York Film Academy. And now don't get her wrong. Madeleine did really love acting, but those teachers just make it so boring.

Madeleine threw her blankets on the ground, forcing herself to get up. She walked towards her closet, grabbing just plain jeans and a cute pink top. She quickly puts on the outfit and a pair of white sneakers. Then she just walks to the shower to brush her hair.

"Its about time I go to the hair salon again." Madeleine thought while brushing her hair aggressively, getting annoyed by all the tangles.

When Madeleine (finally) finished brushing her hair, she went downstairs to get some breakfast. She was starving.
As Madeleine walked down the stairs she saw that her roommate aka best friend forever, Laura Smith, was already sitting at the kitchen table. She was eating some cornflakes while scrolling through Instagram.

"Morning." Madeleine said with a sleepy voice.

"Morning Maddie" Laura answered, not looking up from her phone.

Madeleine grabbed a bowl out of the kitchen cabinet and got some milk and cornflakes out of the fridge. She put them in the bowl and found herself a spoon in the kitchen drawer. She walked towards the kitchen table and started eating her cornflakes.

After about 30 seconds Madeleine decided to sneakily look at what Laura was doing. When she saw it she sighed. "Really? Again?" Madeleine said to her best friend.

"Did you expect anything else?" Laura said with a grin on her face. She was looking at the Instagram account of a guy called Lando Norris. He himself wasn't attending the same college as Madeleine and Laura, but he was very close friends of a person who did go to the same college. A guy called Tom Holland.

"It's nothing different than you staring at Mr. Holland during class all day though."

"I do not stare at him!" Madeleine defended herself from this horrible accusation.

"Yeah sure. I do think you two would look cute together, just so that you know." Laura said while turning off her phone and putting her empty bowl in the dishwasher.

Madeleine just rolled her eyes and put her bowl in the dishwasher too. Was she really staring at him?

Madeleine unlocked her phone and saw that it was 7:25. Enough time left to brush her teeth and put on some make up.
She walked back upstairs into the bathroom, where Laura was also brushing her teeth. She grabbed her toothbrush, put some toothpaste on it and brushed her teeth.

When she was done she walked back into her bedroom and put on some make up. Not to much of course, she didn't want everyone to think she was trying to get all their attention.

Madeleine walked back downstairs. She grabbed her bag and waited for Laura to come down too.

"Ready to go?" Laura said as she was walking down the stairs.

"Of course not." Madeleine answered as she opened to front door to get to the car.

A/N: I know this chapter is kinda boring but it will get better soon I promise :)
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