Part 4

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Beep beep. Madeleines alarm was going off. Again. It was Friday morning. Tom and Madeleine didn't have much contact anymore after Monday night, they just texted each other, and they sometimes had some small talk when they saw each other. But tonight is the party he invited her and Laura for.
And Madeleine was excited.

Beep beep. Madeleine pressed snooze.

"Why is getting out of bed so hard?"

Madeleine yawned. It was 7AM. Why did college always had to start so early?

After 10 more minutes of being a drama queen (like she should). Madeleine finally decided to get out of bed. It wasn't like she had much of a choice. She had to get up sometime.

Madeleine got out of bed and walked up to her closet. She decided to wear light blue jeans with a light purple top. She put on her white sneakers and walked towards the shower. She still hadn't gone to the hair salon.

Madeleine grabbed her hairbrush of a shelf in the bathroom and brushed her hair. This time a little bit less aggressively.

When she was done brushing her hair she put the hairbrush back on the shelf and walked downstairs to get some breakfast. Once again, she saw that Laura was already having breakfast at the kitchen table.

"How does Laura always get up so early?" Madeleine wondered. She grabbed a plate out of the kitchen cabinet.

"Oh wait, I've bought croissants this morning." Laura said. She stood up and opened a kitchen counter. Revealing a plastic bag with croissant. Or how Tom would say it, quacksons. But that's why we love him, isn't it.

Madeleine grabbed a croissant out of the bag and walked with it to the kitchen table.

"Where did you even get these? Its 7:20AM." Madeleine asked, her mouth full of croissant crumbs.

"Magic." Laura replied with a smirk.

When the girls finished their croissants they cleaned up, got their coats and drove to college.

-Time skip-

Madeleine and Laura got back home at 3:53PM. Madeleine didn't see Tom at college today. She hoped he would come to the party though.

Madeleine and Laura were now just sitting on the couch, watching tv. Like usual.

"What are you gonna wear tonight?" Laura asked, interrupting Madeleines thoughts.

"I don't know yet, what about you?"

Laura immediately began talking about what dress she was gonna wear, and what it looked like and how much she liked it. But Madeleine didn't really listen. She was thinking about Tom. She was really excited to see him again tonight, but also kind of nervous. What if he didn't want to talk to her? What if he won't come? Wait if he'll avoid her?
Madeleine could just make an entire book, only about the "what if" thoughts she has every single day.

The future is just a scary thing, when you really think about it. I mean, anyone you love could die any second now, and no one is thinking about it. Or at least, almost no one. There might be some people who can't stop thinking about that fact.

Soon it was time to get ready for the party. Madeleine walked up to her room. Time to find a dress that suits her.

-Time skip-

It was 20 minutes later and Madeleine was about to freak out. She did not have anything to wear. All of her clothes were thrown onto the wooden floor. Madeleine was looking at them but couldn't see anything good. She should've gone to the clothing store when she still could, but now it's to late and she only has a stupid old dresses.

After a while Laura walked into Madeleines room when she saw the mess.

"What's going on?" She asked, looking at all of the clothes spread around the room.

"I don't have anything to wear."

'"Why didn't you just tell me? Come on, you can borrow something of mine."

Madeleine looked up, maybe there was some hope to find a nice dress after all.

Madeleine followed Laura to her room. Laura stood still in front of her closet when she grabbed a dress out of it.

"Here," Laura said while handing Madeleine the dress. "Go see if it fits."

Madeleine nodded and walked back to her room with the dress in her arms. She undressed and put on the dress.
It fits perfectly.
Laura knocked on the door. "Are you done?"


Laura walked into the room. "Perfect." She said with a smile.

Madeleine smiled. "Thank you so much!"

"Of course, that's what friends are for. Now fix your hair so we can go."

Madeleine nodded and brushed her hair. When she was done brushing her hair she got some jewelry out of her jewelry case and last but not least she put on some make up.

About 15 minutes later Madeleine came rushing down the stairs, looking beautiful of course.

"Ready to go?" Laura asked, already holding the car keys and a bag.

"For sure."

Laura and Madeleine arrived at the party. It was a big house and out of the city. There were so many people. Maybe Tom was having the party at his parents' house. Or maybe it isn't even his party.

The girls walked inside of the house. The girls hung up their coats and walked towards the living room. Most of the people were there. Most of them were wasted too.
There was a table standing against the living room wall. There was all kind of drinks on that table, mostly alcohol, but there was also a can of water.

"You want a drink?" Laura asked.


What could possibly go wrong?"

Laura handed Madeleine a beer and kept another one for herself. "Cheers."

A/N: now it's time for some spice in this story :3
And don't forget to vote and comment! I really appreciate it!

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