Part 8

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Madeleine quickly put on her shirt and pants.

"I am so sorry!" Madeleine heard Tom yell from the other side of the door.

"I should've knocked on the door before I opened it!"

"It's fine Tom, just give me a sec." Madeleine said. She quickly made sure her hair didn't look like an absolute mess and then opened the bedroom door again.

"I'm so sorry Maddie." Tom said with guilt in his eyes.

"It's completely fine, don't worry. Accidents happen. But um- Tom?"

"Yes?" Tom said almost instantly.

"Did you have something to tell me?"

"Right! Lando told me you were here, he didn't tell me why though. Anyways he told me you were here and I wanted to ask what you wanted for breakfast."

Madeleine smiled. "I don't mind. You guys can choose."

"Okay. And sorry again." Tom said before walking back downstairs.

Madeleine grabbed her phone from the nightcase and saw she didn't have any notifications. She had expected at least one text from Laura, but no.

Madeleine put her phone in her pocket and walked downstairs towards the kitchen. It was crazy to think about the fact someone actually fell down a balcony last night and broke his neck.

"I hope he's okay." Madeleine thought while walking.

Madeleine downstairs and into the kitchen

"Hey Maddie!" Both Tom and Lando greeted her.

It was also kind of crazy that Madeleine didn't even know those guys that well but she still felt so safe and happy whenever she was around them.

"Hey guys." She replied with a friendly smile while taking a seat at the kitchen table. Tom was cooking, or at least trying to. Whatever he was making, it was smoking quite a lot.

"You need some help?" Madeleine asked.

"Yeah um- maybe we should just eat some bread instead." Tom turned around, now facing Madeleine and Lando.

"That's fine, simple things are tasty too." Madeleine said as she walked towards Tom to help him clean the mess there was made. In the meantime Lando got some bread.

Madeleine sat down again at the kitchen table and Tom put some bread in the toaster. After a little while the bread was done and Tom put it on a plate.

"Here you go." He said while handing the toast to Madeleine.

"Thank you."

She put some jam on her toast.

Madeleine waited until the boys had food too so they could eat together.

After about 5 minutes Tom and Lando had some toast too and they enjoyed their breakfast.

"I think I should go home again soon." Madeleine said when she was almost done eating her toast.

"You can stay here as long as you want. You don't have to worry about that. We're happy to have you here." Tom said.
He maybe was hoping she would stay a bit longer.

"Yeah, we could play Just Dance together." Lando said with a smirk.

Madeleine chuckled. "Okay then, I'll stay a bit longer."

-Time skip-

Madeleine was driving back home. It was 9PM. She had a lot of fun with the boys today, she also had dinner with them. The time had passed so fast, Madeleine didn't even realize it was so late until Lando told her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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