Part 2

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Laura and Madeleine were walking towards the car. Madeleine sat down on the passengers seat and Laura sat down on the drivers seat. Laura was starting the car. The girls were driving a white fiat 500. The car was quite cheap when they bought it, since they just bought it from Laura's parents.

After about 20 minutes Madeleine and Laura arrived at the New York Film Academy. Laura parked the car in one of the many parking spots and the girls got out of their vehicle and walked towards the entry of the big grey building.

The two young ladies entered the building and went to their classes.

-Time skip-

It was the end of the day. Finally. Madeleine walked with Laura to the exit to go home again. Madeleine saw Tom walking in front of them. Lando was walking next to him.

"Why is Lando always with Tom? Doesn't he go to college himself? Maybe he works at a grocery store. Or maybe he just takes a year off."

Suddenly Madeleines thoughts were interrupted. The boys turned around, now facing the girls.

"Hi." They greeted.

"Hi." The girls greeted back.

Lando looked at Tom. "You ask them."

Tom sighed. "So, Friday night there is this party. Because, why not. Do you guys wanna come?"

Madeleine and Laura looked at each other before answering.


"Could we maybe have your phone numbers then? To send the information?" Tom asked.

"Of course." Madeleine and Laura quickly exchanged phone numbers with the two (hot) guys.

"Great, so see you guys then." Lando said before the British boys walked off. Probably to go home.

Madeleine and Laura walked towards the car and got in. Once again Laura on the drivers seat and Madeleine on the passengers seat.

"That'll be fun."

-Time skip-

The girls sat on the couch, just watching some tv. It was Madeleines turn to cook tonight. But she really didn't want to.

Madeleine grabbed her phone out of her pockets and read that is was 5PM. Maybe she should get some take out.
She went to safari and googled on good food restaurants.
After a while of searching online for take out restaurants, she finally found one. She ordered some food for herself and for Laura and waited until it arrived.

After almost 30 minutes the doorbell rang. Madeleine opened the door and got handed a paper bag with food.
Laura quickly got 2 plates and put them down on the kitchen table.

When the girls finished dinner, Madeleine unlocked her phone. She saw she had een text.

Hi there!
You getting this?

Yeah I'm getting this.

You free?


Lando and I share an apartment but he ain't here.
And I'm bored.
And lonely.

Aww :(
You barely know me though...

I would like to get to know you :)
Are you free? :)

Only this one time.
I have a quite busy life you know.
Sleeping, eating and watching tv takes a lot of my time :)

I understand the feeling.
Anyway where do you live?
I can come and pick you up.
With my super fancy fiat 500.

We have a fiat 500 too! :o
(We is me and my friend Laura)
This is my address: *****************

A/N: I know, there is still not much happening. But you know! Baby steps hehe.
And don't forget to vote and comment! :) I appreciate it all.

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