Part 7

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"Lando, calm down. What is going on?" Madeleine asked, now sitting on her bed.

Madeleine could hear Lando's voice getting calmer again.

"I'm so sorry I'm calling you this late Madeleine, but no one is picking up their phone. I could go to Tom but I'm scared for my life right now."

"What is going on Lando?" Madeleine was starting to get a little bit worried.

"There is a f*cking WASP in my room!" Lando shouted against his phone.

"Oh my god Lando."
"Can't you just open the window? It'll probably just leave."

"I ain't getting away from under my bed."

Madeleine sighed.

"Okay. So what am I supposed to do about it?" She asked.

"Could you, um, come here? Like I said, nobody is picking up their phone and I want to go back to sleep. Please Maddie?"

"Okay, now he's calling me Maddie too. Oh well. I don't mind."

Madeleine sighed.

"Lando it's 5AM and I have a huge headache."

"Please?" Lando asked through the phone.

Madeleine thought for a few more seconds.


"Thank you! There is a key in the bush next to the front door."

"Okay, I'll be there soon." Madeleine said before hanging up.

She got out of bed and put on the most comfy outfit she had in her closet.

She walked downstairs and wrote a note to Laura, it basically just said she had to go somewhere real quick and didn't know when she would be back.

Madeleine grabbed the car keys and got in the car. She realized Lando didn't tell her where they lived so she decided to go to the house they had the party in. Maybe they actually lived in that huge house.

Madeleine drove to Tom and Lando's house. After about 25 minutes she got out of the car and walked towards the front door of the big house. She looked in the bush and saw something shiny under the sand. She grabbed it and saw it was a key.

Madeleine put the key in the keyhole and it clicked. She opened the door and walked inside of the house.

She walked upstairs. She was wondering which room was Lando's.

"Lando?" She yelled/whispered in the long hallway. She hoped she didn't woke Tom by her yelling.

"In here!" She heard someone yelling back in one of the rooms.

She opened the door she thought the sound came from.

"Lando?" Madeleine whispered.

"Yes." She heard from under the bed.

"Where is the wasp?"

"I don't know and I don't wanna know. Just please open the window."

Madeleine walked towards the window and opened it.


She saw Lando slowly coming from under the bed.

"Can I go home now?" Madeleine asked.

Lando looked at his phone. It was 5:30AM

"You could stay here for the rest of the night if you want, I'm sure you're tired. You could get some sleep before going back home. And I'm sorry, by the way, for calling you that late. I just have a huge phobia for wasps." Lando stated.

Madeleine smiled. "Yeah I already thought that. Not many people call others at 5AM just because they have a wasp in their room.'"

Lando let out a small chuckle. "You can sleep in the guest room if you want. I mean it's late, I'm sure you're tired too."

"Are you sure that wouldn't be a problem?"

"Of course not."

"Okay then."

Lando guided Madeleine to the guest room.

"There you go."

"Thank you Lando."

"It's the least I could do. Good night Maddie. Or morning... Whatever."

"Good night, or morning."

Lando closed the bedroom door and went back to his own bedroom. He scanned the room real quick to make sure the wasp was really gone and when he couldn't find it he went back to sleep.

Madeleine undressed herself, basically leaving her in just her underwear. She got into the bed and fell asleep.

-Time skip-

Madeleine woke up. She sat straight on the bed and looked at the room she was in.

"Right." She thought.

She grabbed her phone and saw that it was already 9AM. Her headache luckily wasn't to bad. Madeleine put her phone back down on the nightcase and got out of bed. She walked towards her comfy clothing that were laying on the floor. She grabbed her shirt when suddenly the bedroom door opened.

Madeleine quickly covered her body with her hands.

"Shit!" She and the boy in the doorstep yelled at the same time before the door closed again in a rush.

"What the fuck just happened." Madeleine thought.


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