Part 3

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Madeleine was still staring at the texts Tom had sent her. He really wanted to hang out with her. He could be here any second now. But what if he won't be here any second? Maybe he just fooled her.

Madeleines thoughts were interrupted when she heard someone knock on the front door.

Knock knock.

Madeleine walked towards the front door and opened it.

"Hi." Tom said with a bright smile.

Madeleine smiled back. "Hi."

"He actually came."

Madeleine kept staring in Tom's beautiful chocolate brown eyes. It was like she couldn't look at anything else.

"So, do you wanna go?" Tom asked.
Madeleine snapped out of her thoughts and wasn't sure how long exactly she has been staring.

"Yeah, of course. Let's go."

Madeleine grabbed her coat and put it on. She followed Tom to his car and got in. He drove a black fiat 500.
Maybe they were meant to be. I mean they are driving the same car, the only difference is the color.

"Okay, maybe I have a tiny little crush on him." Madeleine thought while Tom was starting the car.

The engine started and Tom drove away from the parking spot, onto the streets of New York.

"So, as I said when we were texting. I want to get to know you. Do you have hobbies?" Tom asked.

"Sleeping, eating, and watching tv. But I think I might add acting."

"I thought you are going to college to learn more about acting because you hate it." Tom said with a smirk.
Madeleine playfully rolled her eyes. She enjoyed talking to him.
Suddenly she realized she hadn't even told Laura that she was going to hang out with Tom.

Madeleine quickly grabbed her phone to text her.

Hi Laura, as you might have seen I'm gone right now.
I'm fine of course.
But I don't know when I will be home again.

Madeleine put her phone back in her pockets.

"Is something wrong?" Tom asked. He saw Madeleine had grabbed her phone quite sudden.

"It's fine, I just texted my friend where I was, so she won't worry about me when she realizes I'm not home anymore."

Tom understands. He wish Lando would tell him where he is going when he's leaving again.
Lando wanted to become a formula 1 driver. Tom and Lando had known each other since they were little, and when Lando was young he was already into racing. He could be found at the go-kart track very often. But it could also be a quite dangerous hobby. He could get seriously injured someday.

Tom and Madeleine were just chatting. Madeleine still didn't know where Tom was taking her, but she didn't really care. She wished time could stop, just for now. She was having a great time talking to Tom. Its funny how something so normal can make someone so happy.

Tom was driving out of the city. Out of New York. He knew a nice place where he was sure Madeleine would like it.

Madeleine looked out of the window and saw they were driving away from New York. Now she was getting curious where they were going. But she also liked surprises, so she decided not to ask.

-Small time skip-

After about 10 more minutes sitting in the car and chatting, they finally arrived at the destination.

"Where are we?" Madeleine asked, getting out of the car.

"I always come here when people annoy me, or when I just wanna be alone." Tom explained.

Madeleine didn't know exactly where she was, but it was beautiful. She and Tom were standing on some sort of big hill. There was also some kind weird cliff, but not exactly a cliff, you could walk down but you would probably fall. It was really steep.

Madeleine looked in front of her. She had a beautiful view on New York. There were so many lights, on the ground and in the sky.

"So why did you take me here?" Madeleine asked with a small smile.

"You seem like a nice person, you look like someone I would love to hang out with. You look like a honest person."

"You seem like a very nice and honest person too." Madeleine couldn't help but smiling. He was so sweet. She looked at him and saw he had a smile on his face too. He was absolutely adorable.

"Look, I know we don't really know each other that well," Tom began.
"But I would love to spend more time with you. Do you want that too?"

Now Madeleines smile only grew bigger.
"I would love to."

Madeleine sat down in the sand. Tom sat down next to her. They were just standing at the beautiful city.

"Do you come here often?" Madeleine asked, breaking the peaceful silence.

"Not as much as I wish. I could never get bored of this view."

Madeleine agreed, without a doubt. The view was breathtaking. And the sunset was making the image complete.

"Thank you for taking me here."

Madeleine looked at Tom, and he looked back. She stared into his chocolate brown eyes. They were full of sparkles.
The beautiful brown eyes of Tom stared back into her blue ones. Madeleines stomach started to flutter.
She couldn't believe all of this was happening, it felt like a fairytale. She was the princess and Tom was the prince.

"It's probably time to go back." Tom said. Getting up from the dirty ground.

"Oh, right, let's go." Madeleine said, also getting up. She wouldn't have mind if that moment would've taken a bit longer. But oh well, nothing to do about anymore now.

Tom and Madeleine walked towards the car and got in. They drove back to the city. Back to Madeleines apartment.

After 25 minutes they finally got there. Madeleine got out of the car.

"Thank you so much for taking me tonight, and for the ride. I really enjoyed it." Madeleine said with a smile.

"Of course, I enjoyed it too."

Madeleine waved Tom goodbye before walking back inside the apartment.

This was the best night ever.

A/N: we love Tom content don't we.
And don't forget to vote and comment! :) I appreciate it!

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