Part 5

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It was almost 1AM. It has been 2 hours since Laura and Madeleine drank their first drink. And let's just say, they weren't really sober anymore.

Madeleine was walking through the busy halls and rooms in the big mansion she was at. Or at least, she was trying to walk. Which was hard when you're drunk like that. She was looking for Laura. She lost her about 30 minutes ago when she went to use the bathroom. Her pink glitter dress was sparkling because of the many lights in the house.

"Geez how many lights does a house need."

Madeleine was holding on to any furniture while walking, trying not to trip and fall. Because if she would fall now she wouldn't be able to get up again.

After a few more minutes walking around the big mansion, totally not being lost, Madeleine finally found Laura sitting in a circle with a group of other students. Including Tom and Lando. Madeleine couldn't see very clear but she was quite sure they were playing 12 minutes in heaven with some play cards.

"Can I join?" Madeleine asked as she was walking towards the group.

"Sure." A random girl answered.

Madeleine sat down next to Laura. She saw how Laura was staring at Lando. Madeleine had to admit, Lando was hot. But she was personally more into Tom.

One of the people who Madeleine was playing with grabbed a few cards and gave 1 to each of the players.
There were about 6 other people sitting in the circle.

"Ready?" Someone asked.

Everyone nodded.

"3... 2... 1..." Everyone turned their card around and immediately they looked if they had a match with someone.
That was the moment Madeleine realized she had a matching card with Tom. (She's such a main character).

"Oooh lovebirds!" Someone in the circle said.

Tom and Madeleine were just staring at each other. It wasn't like Madeleine didn't want to, but what if Tom didn't want to?

Laura stood up and grabbed Madeleines arm. "Time to go inside the beautiful decorated closet." She said with a wink and a smirk.

Tom stood up and followed Madeleine to the closet. Once they put a step inside of the closet the closet doors immediately closed. It was just them in the small, dark, and cramped build-in closet.

Madeleine stared into Tom's chocolate brown eyes, just like she did on Monday night. Madeleine couldn't see a lot, because the closet didn't have a light, but she saw the beautiful sparkles in Tom's eyes. Her stomach fluttered. She could stare into those eyes for the rest of her life without even getting bored. Tom stared back into Madeleines bright blue eyes. Their foreheads were almost touching each other's because of the lack of space. Madeleine could feel Tom's breathing. It was kind of relaxing.

Suddenly Tom made the first move. He kissed Madeleine on her sweet pink lips. But she didn't push him away, not because she couldn't because but because she didn't want to. She actually enjoyed it. So she kissed him back.

For Madeleine it was like time had stopped, she wished she could stay in this closet with Tom for the rest of the evening, and she was wondering if Tom felt the same way, or if he just kissed her because it's a part of the game. Or maybe he was super drunk, and that why he kissed her. But on the other hand, Madeleine was drunk too, but she still knew she enjoyed this kiss.

After almost 3 minutes of kissing, (still 9 minutes left) Tom stopped. Madeleine felt his hands still holding her hips though.

"Maddie, I know we barely know each other, even though I told you I wanted to get to know you more," Tom started.

"Omg, he called me Maddie. And he says my name in such a hot way with that accent." Madeleine thought. She was still staring into Tom's eyes. His eyes still had sparkles. She wondered if her eyes were full of sparkles too.

Tom continued what he was saying. "But you're just such a fascinating person. When I only look at you I feel some sort of connection. I don't know if you feel that connection too, but the point is. I just really want to hang out with you more, and I want to learn all sorts of things about you, I don't care if those things are bad." He stared deeply into Madeleines eyes.

Madeleine smiled. "Then let's get to really know each other. What's you're favorite color?"

Tom let out a small chuckle. "I like the color blue. What about you?"

"Blue is a nice color. But I like a lot of colors, there are so many options you know." Madeleine said.

"That's true." Tom let out another chuckle. "Then what is your favorite food?"

"Stop asking questions with so many options!" Madeleine said with a cute laugh.

"Okay okay fine, then do you-"Crack.
Before Tom could finish the question there was heard a loud noise. It was a kind of crack.

"What the hell was that?" Madeleine said. She had her eyes wide open. The closet was still closed so she couldn't see what was going on.

"I don't know." Tom answered. He grabbed the closet handle but the closet wouldn't open. "What the fuck-"

There was a loud scream. Tom and Madeleine could hear people freaking out but they didn't know what was going on outside of the closet. Everyone was yelling at each other.

Tom again tried to open the closet, but the handle wouldn't move.

"What the f*ck is happening."

A/N: finally some drama!
And don't forget to vote and comment, I really appreciate it!

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