Part 6

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Tom and Madeleine were standing in the closet, they were still stuck. Neither of them knew what was going on, what was that sound? Why was everyone outside of the closet panicking? Why isn't anyone opening the closet?

Madeleine started to breathe more heavily. Tom looked at her.

"You okay Maddie?" He asked, gently touching Madeleines shoulder.

Madeleine slowly started to get a panic attack. Tom realized this and started shouting that people had to open the door. But there was no response.

Tom looked Madeleine in the eyes. She started to hyperventilate.

"Okay, it's okay. Just calm down Maddie," His voice was sweet and gentle.

"Just breathe in and breathe out, take your time. Were gonna be okay. Someone will open these doors soon I promise."

"Close your eyes and think about happy things. Think about good memories Maddie."

After a little while Madeleine could finally breathe normal again. Thanks to Tom of course.

"T-thank you." Madeleine stuttered.

Tom carefully stroked her hair. "Are you sure you're okay again?"

Madeleine nodded slowly.

Tom was cuddling with Madeleine so she would calm down a bit more.

Madeleine was holding onto Tom, she could hear his heart beating.
She had butterflies in her stomach. It was an amazing feeling that she wished never ends.

After a while that seemed only a few minutes, Lando opened the closest. Laura was standing next to him. They both looked very shocked and scared.

Something happened for sure when Tom and Madeleine where in the small closet.

"Why the f*ck did it take so long for you guys to open this f*cking closet?!"

Tom yelled into Lando's face. Lando didn't answer. He just stared to the wall.

Tom helped Madeleine step out of the closet.

"Thank you."

Madeleine still had some sweat on her face.

"No need to."

"Not again a f*cking panic attack Maddie...' Laura thought.

Madeleine had panic attacks quite often. Luckily Laura knew how the help her but this time she wasn't there for her best friend.

"Lando, could you get Madeleine a bottle of water please?" Laura asked.

Her voice sounded a bit cracky. Something definitely scared her while Tom and Madeleine were in the closet.

Lando nodded. He ran downstairs, towards the kitchen, to get a bottle of water. He quickly grabbed it and ran back upstairs. He gave the bottle to Laura who quickly opened it and she gave it to Madeleine who now was sitting on the bed. She sipped the water.

Tom was also sitting on the bed. He was still asking himself what had happened. So he decided to just ask it.

"I'm sorry I just yelled at you like that Lando. I just wanna know what the hell happened. Why were the closet doors locked?"

Lando sighed. "There was this guy," he started.

"He was drunk as hell. He was making out with some girl on the balcony but he lost his balance and fell down. Don't ask me how, but he fell over the railing. He broke his neck and a few other bones."

"Of course we immediately called an ambulance and they took him to the hospital. I'm not sure if he's okay now if I'm honest. Everyone was panicking so much, we totally forgot you guys were in there. Were so sorry." He explained.

Madeleine gasped, she covered her mouth with her hands.

"Oh my god." Tom and Madeleine both said at the same time.

"How long were we in that closet anyway?" Tom asked.

"A little longer than an hour I think."

"Time really does fly by when you're with someone you like." Tom thought.

They sat on the bed and on the floor for a few more minutes. Until Laura looked at Madeleine.

"We should probably get home."

"Are you sure? It's pretty late and you can't drive." Lando said.

"We'll call an Uber."

"Okay then."

Laura called an Uber for Madeleine and herself. When it arrived the girls said goodbye to the boys, thanking them for the invitation, even though the night absolutely didn't go as expected.

Laura and Madeleine got into the Uber and went home.

Madeleine kind of wanted to talk to Tom about everything what happened in the closet tonight but Laura and Lando were with them the entire time and she didn't want to make it awkward by starting about it.

When the girls arrived at home they got out of the car. and went straight to bed. Madeleine was starting to get a small head ache, maybe drinking so much wasn't the best idea.

Madeleine was laying in her bed, suddenly she felt her phone buzz.
She looked up and saw she received a text from Tom.

Hi, are you feeling a bit better after all of this?

Yeah I'm fine I think.
A lot has happened tonight you know.

I know what you're talking about.
But not everything was bad, right?

A few nice things have happened as well :)

I'm happy you think that.
Anyways, it's late, I'm sure you're tired. I'll leave you alone.

Good night!

Night :)

Madeleine put her phone down on her nightcase and she fell asleep within a few minutes.

-Time skip-

It was 5AM. Madeleine woke up by the sound of her phone ringing. She unlocked the phone and saw that Lando was calling her but she didn't understand why since it was so late in the night, or morning. Whatever.

Also this was probably the first time in forever that Lando called her. I mean sure they were friends but they usually just talked face to face.

Madeleine accepted the call. She heard a scared Lando rattling about something she couldn't understand. Suddenly she heard one of the words Lando was saying and she immediately knew what was going on.

A/N: The cliffhanger was made by my dear friend who probably wants to stay anonymous :)
Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment :) I appreciate everything.

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