Speedy we hardly knew ya

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Speedy we hardly knew ya

"Man, he sure is cute." Said Gus, as he, Mikey, TJ and Gretchen watched the class hamster run around on his wheel.

"Cute but fast. Look how quick he runs when I squeeze his rubber carrot." Mikey picked up said carrot and squeezed it next to the cage.

"Go speedy go." Said TJ as Vince ran up to them.

"Water break." Vince put the water bottle in the cage with speedy. "distilled water, straight from Mr Jermaine's lab."

"And let's not forget his Friday treat, scientifically tested, vitamin full hamster croutons." Said Gretchen holding the box up in the air while Gus got the bowl out of the cage.

"Garlic flavour is his favourite." As soon as Gus put the bowl back into the cage speedy ran over to it and started to eat.

"Hey, slow down speedy, you've gotta pace yourself with them or they won't last the weekend." Said Gretchen just before the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

"Okay people, have a good weekend." Ms Grotke dismissed the class. "Remember Monday is positive energy day."

"You know, the other grades may have their own class pets, but nothing can beat speedy." Said Dede now standing by the cage after grabbing her bag from her desk.

"Would you guys hurry it up, we got some mager playing to do." Spinelli said by the door, bouncing a basketball.

"Right, right we're coming." Dede said before they all followed Spinelli out of the classroom.


On Monday morning, at 8am, all the students made their way into their respective classes, took their chairs down from their desks and proceeded to sit down as ms grotke walked in.

"Good morning people." Ms grotke walked to the front of the classroom as all students replied to her, except Mikey who walked over to speedy's cage.

"Rise and shine speedy, it's Monday." Mikey tapped lightly on speedy's cage but got no response as speedy just lay there. "Speedy?" He picked up the cage and slightly shook it.

"Mikey, that's not a good thing to do, what's wrong?" Dede said, running to Mikey to get him to stop shaking the cage.

"I don't know, speedy's just laying there." TJ and Gretchen joined them both at the cage.

"Perhaps he's sick?" Gretchen suggested.

"Speedy?" Mikey was still trying to get the hamster to wake up.

"Nah, he's just tired, that's all, he's had a long weekend." Said Vince, as the rest of the class surrounds the cage.

"Yeah, he's had a long weekend." Said TJ. "Sitting around, sleeping, eating croutons."

"But TJ, he didn't eat his croutons." Said Gus looking at the full bowl of croutons in the cage.

"Don't worry people, I'm sure speedy is fine. He's probably just in some hamster hibernation." Said ms grotke.

"Hamsters hibernate?" Asked Dede, never hearing that before.

"No, hamsters don't hibernate." Said Gretchen.

"Oh...well then um..perhaps he's meditating. A little meditation is a great way to start your day." Ms grotke led all the students away, not seeing Gretchen still standing by the cage. "So why don't we-"

"Oh no." The whole class looked back at Gretchen to see she was holding speedy. "Speedy's not meditating ms grotke, he's...he's-"

"SPEEDY'S DEAD!" Mikey screams so loud that almost the whole school hears him.

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