Tattletale heart

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Tattletale heart

Lunch time was never boring at third street, no matter how small, there was always something going on. At this moment we see seven of our group of eight all watching Gus as he was drinking his chocolate milk in one go.

TJ was actually kinda impressed with Gus. "Wow, Guster. What a set of lungs."

"Yeah, but maybe you shouldn't have
finished your milk first." Mikey said. "I mean, aren't you gonna need it for your peanut butter sandwich?"

"I couldn't help myself, guys. I love chocolate milk. Whoever thought of putting candy in milk was a genius." Gus said happily before he took a bite of his sandwich, seeing what Mikey was on about. "An evil genius. Be right back." Gus got up and walked over to the big cooler that housed the milk for the kids to come up and grab. "Let's see. Chocolate milk. Chocolate milk. Here we go. Come to papa." Gus looks up only to see someone standing there with a handful of mashed potatoes. "Hey, what are you..."

The hand threw the mash across the cafeteria, hitting Jeffery. "Hey! My parents were on vacation in Hawaii, and all I got was this shirt." Jeffery angrily grabbed something from his trey and threw it, hitting Ashley A who screamed.

Ashley B grabbed her lunch and threw it in retaliation, hitting king Bob's crown. "Noodles!" One of his guards said.

"Down, sir, down." The other said as they covered king bob under the table.

"Food fight!" Lawson shouted and all hell broke loose.

Kids were all throwing their food left and right, the seven friends were all taking cover behind one of the cafeteria tables. "Bogeys at 12 o'clock!" Dede exclaimed as she looked behind her. They all turned around and fired at the kids that were gonna hit them from behind.

As the three kids were hit they all went down like they were mortally wounded. With how much noise the kids were making it was only a matter of time before Miss Finster came in to find out what was wrong. "A food fight? I'll put a stop to this..." she went to blow her whistle but a carton of juice was thrown at the door next to her. "A little later." She closed the door, leaving the kids to their food fight.

"Everyone all right?" Dede asked at the end of the food fight.

"All right?" The friends looked over and saw Mikey sitting on the floor. "This is better than swapping desserts."

"Hey, where's Gus?" Vince asked not seeing him.

"Look." Paloma points over to Gus who was stumbling his way to his friends.

"Gus, Gus, are you all right?" TJ asked worriedly.

"I was just getting milk, and-and I saw it." Gus stammers.

"Saw what, Gus?" Spinelli asked.

"I saw who started the food fight."

"What, are you sure?" TJ asked.

Before Gus could answer, the cafeteria door opened and a whistle sounded, getting all their attention. "Stop this food fight now." Miss Finster said but looked and saw all the kids not fighting and just looking at her. "That's better."

"Miss Finster, Miss Finster." Randall ran up to her. "They were all throwing food, every one of them."

"Not to worry, Randall. I'll see they pay for it." Miss Finster patted his head before she walked more into the cafeteria, leaving Randall to laugh quietly to himself. "Look at this mess. I'd call you a pack of wild animals, but even wild animals don't throw food, Except for monkeys, but you're not monkeys, are you? No, you're children, children who act like monkeys. Hank will pass out towels and mops, and you will clean up this mess." At this all the kids groan. "Too tough, am I? Well, there's more." This caught all their attention. "From now on, there will be no recess!" The kids all gasp. "No recess, that is, until I catch the hooligan who's responsible for starting this calamity. I'm sure one of you must have seen who started it."

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