The Trial

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The Trial

It was a brand new day at third street elementary school, however a peaceful day, it was not. Right now we can see every kid in the middle of an epic dirt clod war with kids either throwing dirt clods at each other or being tackled down into the mud.

"Incoming!" Gus shouted as he, TJ, Dede, Vince and Gretchen were all hiding inside a trench and ducked to avoid a barrage of mud balls being thrown at them.

"Man, there's nothing like a good dirt clod war." Said TJ when they all stood back up.

"You can say that again." Vince agreed only for no one else to agree as a loud scream rang out making everyone stop what they were doing. By the time the five friends managed to get to where the scream came from they saw a bunch of other students surrounding Randall who was laying on the floor with a rock next to his head.

"Rock....thrown." Randall groaned out. "Don't know if I'll make it."

"A rock? What kind of rotten evil kid would throw a rock in a dirt clod war." Asked digger Dave.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" Asked Spinelli as she came to stand next to Dede.

"It was her, Spinelli did it. She threw the rock." Randall said before falling back on the ground.

"Uh oh." Said Spinelli.


The next day we can see the seven friend walking to school together.

"That little 2-bit, snit-faced glob-of-spit." Said Spinelli, still furious about what had happened during the dirt clod war. "I can't believe he said that stuff about me."

"Yeah, just because you threw a rock at a guy-" started Mikey.

"I did NOT throw a rock at a guy."

"Good, cause throwing a rock in a dirt clod war is about as low as a kid could get."

"Come on Mikey, stop that. You know Spinelli, she'd never do something like this." Said Dede glaring up at him.

"Right, if Spinelli said she didn't do it, she didn't do it." Said TJ agreeing with Dede.

"Yeah, besides it's been a whole day. Everyone probably forgot about it by now." Shrugged Vince as the friends walked onto the playground, only to be stopped by seeing everyone standing there.

"There she is, the rock thrower." Some random kid shouts.

"What do you want rock thrower, to, like, to throw another rock at this poor innocent kid again?" Asked Ashley A as she pointed over to Randall sitting on a bench with his head wrapped up, groaning.

"Innocent kid? It's Randal!" Said Spinelli.

"Oh yeah!" Ashley A ran up to Spinelli. "Well even if it is just Randal, you can't throw a rock in a dirt clod war. It's just plain wrong."

"But I didn't do it, I wasn't anywhere near the little weasel."

"Well where were you then?" Asked Ashley Q.

"I....I can't say."

"I bet I know where she was, out getting more rock." Said a random kid. (I seriously can't find this kids name anywhere???)

"Take her to Prickly!" Said digger Dave.

"Turn her over to Finster!" Said Ashley Q.

"Send her to the dodgeball wall." Said the random kid again.

"No wait!" Ashley A said stopping all the kids in the shouts for punishment. "I say we give her a swirly."

This seemed to please all the other kids as they started to advance on Spinelli, shouting 'swirly' as they went. Spinelli started to slowly back away from the approaching kids before their path was stopped by Dede jumping between them all.

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