That stinking feeling

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That stinking feeling


A/N - I know this chapter was meant to be posted after 'prince Randal' but I thought, last minute, it'd be better to swap them around.

Also, I've had a few people message me about my upload schedule so I thought I'd put it on here. I'll be updating this story on the first of every month. If, once I've finished all the chapters for the main story and I still have a bunch to post, I'll be uploading them all at once. I have about nine more chapters to write before this part of the story is finished, it'll then only be the movies to do.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter.


A new day brought the kids of third street school a new recess, with the fourth and fifth graders playing a big game of rugby.
All kids were lined up, Gus was unfortunately in front of Gellman, who growled at him, making Gus back up slightly. "Uh, guys, a little help here?"

Koreo was behind Lawson, doing the counts to start the match. "13, 21. Hut-1 , hut-2 , hike."

Lawson passed the ball to him and as the fourth graders tried to get to him, they were all getting held back. As Koreo went to pass the ball to his open teammate, Spinelli blocked him. "Going somewhere with that ball, pally?" She tackled Koreo down to the ground, before standing up and dusting her hands off. "I think not."

Spinelli's group of friends all approached her, cheering, at their win of that round.

TJ was the first to reach her. "Whoo-hoo! Way to go, Spinelli."

Vince pumps his fist in the air. "Nice sack."

"If we can just hold them for one more play, we win the game." Gretchen says to her friends.

Koreo sits up as Dede and Spinelli high fives and cowers when Spinelli looks over at him. "One more time, you're going down."

Koreo stands up before running off, crying. "Mommy!"

Lawson just stands there and watches his quarterback run off before he turns to look at Spinelli. "Thanks a lot, Spinelli, there goes another quarterback."

Dede looks at Lawson, raising an eyebrow, before she smirks. "Well, you could always do it, Lawson."

Lawson shakes his head at Dede. "What do I look like, dumb?" Lawson looks over at his side bench, ignoring Dede's quiet laughs. "Now, let's see who I can get. Johnny V., you're in."

Spinelli spits out her drink as she laughs when she hears who Lawson had called. "Johnny V.?"

Johnny walks over. "Gee, thanks a lot,

Lawson dismissed Johnny's thankfulness. "Yeah, yeah, don't thank me. Just throw the ball, Ok?"

Vince also couldn't hold all his laughter in as he watched Lawson and Johnny interact. "Oh, man, they're using baby-tooth Johnny as quarterback. This is going to be a cinch."

TJ looks over at his friend, hoping to stop Vince's overconfidence before it was too much. "Don't be so sure, Vince,We got one more down before the bell rings. Johnny V. Might pull something big."

Spinelli moves to stand closer to her friends. "Yeah, maybe he'll finally lose that baby tooth of his and get the tooth fairy to help them win the game."

After both Spinelli and Vince were done laughing the game started back up. Johnny was standing behind Lawson, taking his position as quarterback. "76, 73, hut 1, hut 2, hike."

As the fourth grader we're trying to get Johnny to get the ball, Menlo was off to the side cheering for them, while doing a little dance. "Here we go, fourth graders! Here we go!  Here we go, fourth graders! Here we go!"

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