Dodgeball devolution city

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Dodgeball devolution city

Dodgeball, a game both fourth and fifth graders take seriously. Right now it was most of the fifth graders VS Dede and Vince, who only had one ball each as the fifth grader had all the rest. Vince was being cocky, even though the last two were massively outnumbered. "Might as well hang it up, Lawson. This Dodgeball court ain't big enough for all of us."

Lawson just smirked at Vince. "You talk like a hero. You got something to learn about heroes, LaSalle. Heroes die!"

Spinelli shouts from the sidelines. "Come on, Dede, Vince! Don't give up!"

TJ also joins in. "You can do it!"

Gretchen takes out her Galileo and starts to work out some calculations. "Actually, I calculated their odds of survival at 13,017, to 1, but go get him!"

Mikey screams from behind his friends. "Get me out of here, guys! I'm not cut out for jail! I can't take it!"

Paloma rests her hand on Mikey's shoulder to calm him down. "Chill out, Mikey. It's just Dodgeball jail."

Lawson looked at his fellow fifth graders as they all stood next to each other. "OK, boys, lock and load." Lawson smirks at the last two remaining fourth graders. "Fire!"

As they started to throw the dodgeball's Dede was able to dodge the first few but as she looked over and saw that Vince got hit, all the other fifth graders threw their dodgeballs at her, so she didn't have time to react. Knocking her out of the game and giving the fifth graders another win. TJ and Spinelli both winced at seeing his friends get pelted by dodgeballs. "That's got to hurt."

Mikey sniffs at watching the end of the match. "Poor guys. They never had a chance."


At the end of the day seven of the eight friends all went to Kelso's to drown their sorrow at losing, yet another of dodgeball. Mr Kelso smiles when he sees the kids enter his store. "How's it going kids?"

The seven friends all sat down at the bar in front of Mr Kelso. Dede sighs as she looks up at their favourite convenience store owner. "Hey Mr Kelso."

Mr Kelso looks at the kids in front of him and sees all of their downtrodden faces. "Hey, what's wrong kids?"

Spinelli slumps down to lean on the bar after she takes a seat in between Dede and TJ. "We lost yet ANOTHER game of dodgeball to those fifth grade dopes!"

Mr Kelso smiled sympathetically at the kids, knowing how much they hated to lose to the fifth graders at their school. "Ahh, cheer up. I'm sure you'll win next time, you just gotta keep practising." The kids all weakly smile at him, wanting to believe him but not fully believing it. "Anyway, what can I get for you all?"

Dede puts her credit card down on the bar for Kelso to take to pay for all their drinks. "I'll have a strawberry smoothie please."

Mr Kelso grabbed the card and started to prepare the kids' orders after everyone said what they wanted. After Mr Kelso gave the card back and handed everyone their drinks he left to go and sort something out in the back, leaving the kids to enjoy their drink in silence, before Gretchen broke it. "You realise, of course, that if we lose
one more game, we tie the school record for consecutive bouts of humiliation."

Vince groans and covers his face in shame. "I blame myself."

Dede shakes her head. "No, it's my fault, if I didn't get distracted easily we might have won."

TJ look between his two friends. "It's not your fault, guys. Dodgeball's a team sport. We win together, we lose together. Well, except for the winning part."

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