Operation Stuart furball of the sneeze

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Operation Stuart/furball for the sneeze

"Oh yeah, well I say Dracula is the scariest monster ever." Said Vince as the group of seven walked around the dodgeball wall, listening to Vince and TJ trying to decide who is the scariest monster.

"Dracula? Are you kidding? He bites your neck, you live forever" Asked TJ. "Now if Frankenstein gets a hold of ya, your a goner."

"Sure but how do you get caught by the slowest monster in history?"

"Ask the villagers...oh wait...you can't, they're all ripped to shreds."

"What about the werewolf?" Asked Mikey, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

"Werewolf? It's Dracula."

"Hello...flying monkey." Said Spinelli.

"What about carnivorous aliens?" Said Dede also joins the conversation.

"Stop it guys, you're just scaring me." Said Gus stopping in front of a trash can.

"Oh come on Gus." Said Spinelli as the group turned around to look at him. "There's no such thing as monsters and ghoulies or things that go bump in the night."

Before anyone can say anything, the trash can behind Gus started to shake slightly and make a strange noise. "What about things that go bump in the day?" Asked Mikey.

"I-I I didn't hear any scary noises coming from that trash can." Stuttered Gus, pointing to said trash can. "Let's get outta here."

"No wait. There it was again." Said TJ as the trash can started moving again.

"Hold me TJ I'm scared." Mikey said, putting his arms around TJs neck.

"Oh brother, move aside you wimps." Said Spinelli slightly pushing TJ and Mikey to the side and going to open the bin.

"Don't do it Spinelli." Said Gus trying to stop her. "You could get you guys torn out or your face sucked off or....or."

"Gus please." Gretchen stopped Gus' nervous rambling. "Spinelli is right there's no such thing as-"

As Gretchen was talking Spinelli opened the bin and interrupted Gretchen by screaming as something attached itself to her face, by the time she was able to get the thing off of her face they all saw that it was just a cat. A cat in poor condition as it was very skinny and had bold patches on its body. "Hey, it's  a kitty." Mikey said, grabbing the cat from Spinelli while holding it out to get a better look at it. "It's he cute?"

"Cute? He's hosting a big convention." Spinelli scratched her head as the cat was cuddling up to Mikey.

"I think he likes you Mikey." Dede said watching Mikey and the cat interact with each other.

"And I like him too, he's my friend. I'm going to name him...f-fuz...Stuart. Yeah that's it Stuart the cat."

"Stuart?" Spinelli questioned as the others all greeted the cat with the name Mikey had given him. "Oh brother."

"How do we know he doesn't belong to somebody?" Asked Gus.

"Elementary Gus, he'd have a collar, not to mention a bath." Said Gretchen.

"Hey I got an idea." Said Vince as he took off one of his wrist bands and put it on Stuart's neck. "Now he belongs to us."

"We can take him everywhere we go." Said Mikey.

"Great." Spinelli said sarcastically. "Only how are we gonna explain him to ms grotke."

"Oh, I see what you mean." Said Vince.

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