Happy Valentine's day

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It's almost Valentine's Day and all kinds in Miss Grotkes class are currently making valentines bags to place on their desks for people to put cards in.

"Excellent use of glitter, Gretchen." Miss Grotke said as she was walking around the room, looking at everyone's bag. "Nice frills, Gordie. Wonderful pink and hue's combination Ashley." Miss Grotke looked back to start down the next aisle of the class before she gasped. "TJ, you're Valentine's Day bag.... It's absolutely grotesque."

"Why, thank you, Miss Grotke." Replies TJ.

"Are you sure you don't want to make a more romantic bag? I mean, Valentine's Day is tomorrow. And others may not want to drop their cards Into such a scary sack."

"It's okay miss Grotke, I don't really want any valentines." TJ says, making most kids gasp in shock. "And I'm not giving any either."

"Center, class. Center." Miss Grotke said to stop the class from mumbling. "TJ, are you sure?"

"I'm positive, miss Grotke. I'm not giving Valentine's on the account of how I think this whole day is, well, goofy."

"But TJ, won't you feel bad if everyone gives you a valentine and you don't give any to anyone else?"

"Umm... nope." At TJs final denial most of the kids were still muttering about it for the rest of the class.

Once school let out the group walked out of the building and started down the street. "Man, That took guts Teej, real guts." Spinelli said impressed with TJs display.

"It was nothing guys." TJ replied. "I have the courage of my convictions, is all."

"Well, I think you're positively mad." Said Mikey being the big lover of love that he is. "Valentine's Day is the most beautiful day of the year. Touching the souls of young and old alike."

"It's the tradition that appeals to me." Gretchen said.

"I love that it's a chance to let those I care about, know that I care for them." Dede smiles as she agrees with both Mikey and Gretchen.

"And once in a while, there's candy." Said Gus.

"He's got a point Teej." Vince agrees with Gus.

"Yeah, yeah. They got candy at Kelso's too, and you don't have to give Mr Kelso a valentine to get some." Said TJ.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go." Spinelli said as they all walked to Kelso, and upon entering the store something caught Mikey's attention straight away.

"Hey, valentines." He walked over to a stand which held a bunch of different varieties cards on, all his friends except for TJ and Spinelli joining him to look at them.

"Woah, they got sports valentines." Said Vince.

"And space valentines." Dede said, holding a card to read it.

"And look at this... Peewee McChimp says, 'Be mine, you big banana.'" Gus reads.

"What a selection." Said Mikey.

"Can you believe these guys?" TJ asked Spinelli.

"Pathetic, getting all excited over a bunch of dumb valentine's day cards." Spinelli agrees before Dede pokes her head around to look at them.

"Hey, Spinelli, they got wrestling cards." She held one up for Spinelli to see.

"What? Let me see those." Spinelli went and grabbed the card from Dede before reading it out loud. "'You've got a headlock on my heart.' These are sweet."

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