The box/Spindly tam kanushu

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The box/spindly tam kanushu

It's was a new day at third street school and we find our group of seven hiding behind a wall. "Maybe it didn't work?" Questioned Vince as nothing was happening.

"It had to have worked." Said TJ as he looked around the corner to the door leading to the cafeteria. "It was a foolproof plan."

"According to my calculations, discovery should take place just" Said Gretchen looking at her watch, and just when she finished speaking a scream was heard from inside the cafeteria, the doors slammed open to reveal Hank the janitor.

"It's a disaster, a disaster I say." Hank said, falling to his knees.

"Hank, what's the matter?" Asked Ms Finster as she walked up to the door with some other teachers.

"The big freezers on the Fritz."

"But that means..."

"That's right, the whole semester's worth of ice cream is melting all over the floor, including principal Pricklys personal stash of frozen fudgies."

"Pull yourself together man." Ms Finster said, trying to pull Hank to his feet. "We'll just have to get that ice cream outta there."

"And then what Muriel? You can't just leave a hundred gallons of frozen dessert out in the open, by two o'clock we'll have a fudge disaster the likes of which this school has never seen. Oh what are we gonna do? What are we gonna do?" Hank cried, hugging Ms Finster legs.

"Uhh Hank?" TJ said as the seven friends were standing at the bottom of the stairs with the other teachers. "Perhaps we could be of assistance?" And with that the seven friends were sitting on the roundabout eating ice cream.

"Oh I don't think I can eat another bite." Mike said before burping and falling back to lay on the roundabout.

"Me neither." Spinelli said, leaning on Mikey before shooting back up. "Oh what the heck, hand me that double chocolate swirly."

"See, I told you guys it would work." Said TJ before he was grabbed from behind.

"You're in big trouble this time, detweiler." Said Ms Finster.

"What'd I do?"

"Someone unplugged the big freezer and that someone is you."

"But Ms Finster, I wasn't anywhere near the big freezer."

"Oh yeah? Well explain this?" Ms Finster held up a red and white sneaker and looking down anyone could see that TJ was kissing one of his.

"Uh oh." TJ said finally realising he was caught before Ms Finster dragged him away.

"Come on pally, it's the wall for you." With that she left TJ facing a wall but it wasn't long before his friends joined him.

"How's it going teej?" Dede asked.

"Oh pretty good, the view's not so hot but at least I've got company." TJ joked.

"Hey, a brick wall's easier on the eyes than Finster." Vince joked along making them all burst out laughing. The next day at recess all the kids were in the groups playing all sorts of games before a whistle blew out catching everyone's attention, they all looked over to see Ms Finster standing in front of a sheet.

"Fall in, here now." She pointed in front of her, indicating where she wanted all the kids to stand. "It has come to my attention that some of you do not take my playground punishments seriously. You seem to think that getting in trouble is a big joke, a game as it were. Well I say the jokes on you because the rules of the game just changed, discipline has a new name and the name is.." Ms Finster said walking back and forth before the children and coming to a stop next to the sheet before ripping it off, to reveal a painted white box on the ground. "The box. Any infraction of any rule no matter how slight will result in a trip to the box. Get caught running on the blacktop, go to the box. Take cuts in line, go to the box. Any horse play, joking around or unauthorised fun of any kind, the box. No questions asked, got it, good, that is all." And with that Ms Finster and Randall walked away while the other kids all walked close to the box before bursting into laughter.

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