The voice / toxic talent

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The voice / toxic talent

"Why are we here again?" Asked Vince as most kids were all outside thrust street elementary school, standing in front of the raised flag.

"Van Buren's birthday." Groaned TJwith his hands in his pockets.

"Great, that means we have to listen to old golden throat himself." Scoffed Spinelli.

"Brandon." Dede signed as a boy with Ginger slicked-back hair wearing a red dinner-jacket, a white dress shirt, along with a green cravat, blue dress pants, classical men's black shoes, and a green ascot walked up in front of the kids to the microphone that was set up. Brandon proceeded to sing the American national anthem, however he never got too far into the song before a bee flew into his mouth making him swallow it and stop singing.

"He swallowed a bee." Someone said before all the kids cheered.


"This is a catastrophe! A catastrophe, I say!" Said Prickly slammed his fists on his desk before burying his head in his hands.

"What are the odds of a bee stinging Brandon in the vocal chords?" Asked Finster. "He won't be able to sing for months."

"So what are we going to do now? The PTA spring fling is in two weeks. I told superintendent Skinner he'd hear the most magnificent national anthem in the district." Prickly stood up and started pacing.

"Perhaps Randall could fill in."

"Are you kidding? Our Yorkshire terrier sings better than Randall, and we put her by I sleep years ago. No it's got to be some kid who sings like Brandon, but who? Who?" Before Finster could reply they both heard a beautiful male voice singing nobody knows the trouble I've seen'. "Where's that coming from?" Both Prickly and Finster ran out the room and down the halls, putting their heads against each door they passed trying to find the source of the voice. "It's coming from there." Prickly pointed to the boy's bathroom before they ran in and saw Mikey walk out from a stall as he finished the song.

"What did I do?" Mikey gasped at seeing them both there before he was ushered out of the bathroom and into pricklys office.

"Candy son?" Prickly offered Mikey a bowl full of Candy.

"Uh... thank you, sir." Mikey took a handful and ate them.

"Now, son, you have a lovely singing voice,  and we were hoping you'd use that voice to do us a little favour."

"Like what?"

"Oh, just sing a little song at the spring fling."

"No, see, I sound really bad."

"Nonsense, you have a wonderful voice, a magnificent voice."

"No, really, I can't sing at all."

"Sure you can, belt it out son."


"Sing, darn it, sing." Finster interrupted making Mikey swallow the Candy he was eating, however instead of the beautiful voice they heard before all they heard now was a horribly out of tune voice.

"Alright, alright, enough already." Prickly stopped him before he and Finster turned away from Mikey and started their own conversation. "You think he's faking it?"

"No one can fake a voice that bad."

"But I know he can sing, I heard him myself."

"Perhaps we just have to drag it out of him."

"Yes, but how?"

"Wait a minute! I heard about a music teacher over at Spirio T. Agnew middle school. Word is, she can get any kid to sing and I mean any kid."

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