Ch 4: Torture

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Peter let out a slight cry as the crowbar hit him square in the abdomen. He stumbled backwards and fell to the ground and moaned in pain. He opened his eyes and saw Winston laying on the ground with a cut on his forehead. Peck and Hardemyer had been beating the four of them with crowbars for who knows how long now. Despite the pain they were in, the captive Ghostbusters had managed to keep a firm exterior and not give their enemies the pleasure of seeing them in pain.

Ray was slumped against the wall with thin trail of blood running from his mouth. Hardemyer had managed to dislocate his left shoulder rendering it useless. And he was sure he had several bruised ribs as well. Egon was in no better shape. His glasses had long since been shattered and there was a deep cut under his left eye which was turning a dark shade of purple. His right ankle was broken and several ribs were cracked.

Peck and Hardemyer smiled almost psychotically as they looked at the injured and defenseless team.

"Had enough yet Ghostbusters?" Jack asked, "Cause we haven't."

"This could all be over if you just begged for mercy." Walter added, "Or just simply apologized."

"We're not apologizing." Ray replied, "We didn't even do anything.

"Yeah man, like I said, you ruined your own lives." Winston added.

Peck responded by whacking Winston's arm and Hardemyer kicked Ray in the abdomen. The engineer curled his body inward in response.

"Leave...them alone.." Peter said hoarsely.

"Don't hurt them..." Egon managed to choke out.

"Quiet." Jack hissed as he whacked Peter's side with his crowbar.

Peck walked over Egon and kneeled down to look the injured physicist in the eyes.

"How sweet of you both to care for your friends." Walter said with a taunting tone,
"Unfortunately, loyalty can be a quite a fatal flaw."

"You've never...had you don't...know anything about...loyalty." Egon spat out.

Peck just chuckled. "Maybe so, but if I did, they would be more intelligent than the morons you hang around with."

"Your mother..." Egon hissed.

Peck responded by angrily grabbing Egon by the collar of his jumpsuit and pulling him to his feet. He took a small pocketknife and stabbed Egon in his lower abdomen. Egon gritted his teeth as he tried not to show any pain. Peck then punched the physicist in the face, causing him to fall the ground.

"Oh and by the way, never mention my mother." Walter growled, "She was a wonderful woman and died of heartbreak after hearing what you idiots did to me."

"Doubt it..." Peter said somewhat sarcastically.

Peck grabbed Peter's collar and threw him against the wall and held his knife to the psychologist's throat.

"You better keep your mouth shut Dr. Venkman or I will slit your throat so you won't say another word." Walter snarled as he bore his angry gaze into Peter's somewhat unfocused eyes.

Peter didn't respond. Walter than threw him to the ground, tearing his jumpsuit collar in the process. He and Jack continued to beat the team for another 30 minutes before stopping.

"Alright, that's enough for now." Jack said, "We don't want you four dead just yet."

"Agreed my friend." Walter added, "We're going to leave so don't get any funny ideas about escaping."

They tightened the ropes on the Ghostbusters' wrists and ankles. After leaving the room, the only thing the injured team could hear was car starting and leaving. Leaving them trapped in the middle of nowhere.
Back in the city, the ladies were anxiously waiting for any news on the missing Ghostbusters. While any major search parties wouldn't start until the morning, the police chief had sent a couple of detectives to the space research center where the team had been called to. At the firehall, Janine, Jenny and Tiyah were sitting in the living room by the phone anxiously waiting. Dana had gone home about an hour before to take care of Oscar. They had ordered from a Greek restaurant down the street but none of them were very hungry. Comedy Central was playing on the TV in hopes of distracting them but it wasn't working very well.

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