Ch 12: Almost There

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After 20 nerve wracking minutes, the ladies arrived at the police station. Mel was waiting outside with Detectives Ross and Scott. After finding a parking space, Janine, Jenny, and Kylie quickly rushed over to the FBI agent and detectives.

"We got here as soon as we could." Janine said somewhat out of breath.

"You're good." Mel replied, "Come on, we gotta get moving."

Five minutes later, the group had arrived at the helicopter pad in the back where a helicopter was up and waiting to take them to the guys. After strapping in and making sure nothing was wrong, the helicopter took off northward towards Hunter.

"We should be there within 45 minutes to an hour!" Detective Scott yelled over the noise.

"We called the police department in Hunter and some of their officers are gonna follow behind once we get there." Detective Ross added, "So are a couple of ambulances."

"Jonathan and Adam say that the guys are moving towards Highway 420." Kylie said as she listened to the earpiece connecting her with the scientists.

"God, I hope we're not too late." Jenny said anxiously.

"I promise, we'll get to them before Peck and Hardemyer do." Mel reassured.

For awhile, no one said a word and the mood was tense, anxiety ridden, and a bit dreary. But there was a small spark of hope. Hope that they would get to the Ghostbusters in time and that they were ok.
However, in the Hunter-West Kill Wilderness, the guys were not doing so great. It had taken them about five hours just to walk about nine miles. After stopping to rest for another hour, they continued on and were slowly making their way to the road to hopefully find help. Night had fallen, so Winston and Peter were holding flashlights as they tried to guide themselves and their injured friends. They had switched, so Egon was now leaning against Peter and Ray had his good arm wrapped around Winston's neck.

Unfortunately, the lack of medical attention, physical and mental exhaustion, and lack of food and water were seriously taking its toll on the injured Ghostbusters. Ray could barely walk as his injured knee was swollen and badly bruised and his dislocated shoulder was hanging awkwardly off his body. The cut on his hand was searing in pain and already showing signs of mild infection while the stab wound on his right thigh had started to bleed a bit. Winston was in no better shape as the bruise on his face felt like he had been hit on the face with a brick. His shoulders were also sore from having been supporting Ray and Egon and he felt a sharp pain in his side every time he breathed heavily, possibly from a broken rib.

Peter now could barely see out of his bruised eye and the burn injuries on his abdomen were throbbing in pain. He felt the pain in his right side flare up from injured ribs and bruised muscles. His shoulders were also sore from supporting Egon who was in the worst condition out of the four of them. He could barely walk because of a broken ankle, lack of glasses, and a swollen-shut eye. He was also weak and dizzy from the blood loss from the massive laceration in his side and like the others, the physicist had trouble breathing due to fluid building up in the lungs.

"...How...much...farther...?" Peter asked tiredly.

"Just one...more...mile...Pete..." Winston replied equally as tired.

"But when there...who...knows us..." Ray gasped in between breaths.

"...Everything...spinning..." Egon moaned as his vision blurred.

"Try and...fight it Spengs..." Peter said.

The four slowly continued their arduous trek through the dark woods. After ten minutes, they heard what sounded like a car driving on the road.

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