30-The Ace Card

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Inna's pov

Groaning while I sat up, I could feel the level of the pain eased a little bit after I took some painkillers that Olga gave me.

The sound of my stomach filling the room in the next seconds, Glancing to the side I noticed a pack of medicines on the nightstand- grabbing it I started reading the script on it and it said- vitamins. There weren't those that Olga gave me, those are new.

Did he leave it for me?

I pulled a thick sweater over my head, as an extra lawyer, and put the vitamins inside my pockets before making my way out into the halls in shorts. I quickly found the staircase and followed it down the floors, before my tummy grumbled. I turned my head, feeling how my legs moved the way that led towards the smell and occasional clink of metal before I set my eyes on the open kitchen space.

I made my way to the kitchen and started looking through every cabinet. I found some fruits, which I let be. I knew the food would be delivered at seven, but looking at the time it was five minutes after sunrise- pretty early.

Every morning at seven, which meant only a few more hours. some oats had been placed in a glass jar at the front of the last cabinet, which I brought out to the island in the center of the kitchen.

Opening the refrigerator, I found a glass bottle of milk. it did not have a lid so I quickly inhaled the smell of it, to make sure it was still good. it was mixing the two that created a thick porridge that I had been used to eating since I came here.

I sat on a stool while I ate my breakfast. it was quiet in the house today, which seemed a bit weird. Even though the storm was at its peak, the weather started to warm up and the weather was cool to have a little walk outside. I quickly put on my white Converses and walked outside, I grabbed the vitamins from the right pocket and started to pill one towards my mouth, I stopped thinking If it was Sin who put it on my nightstand.

Did he care?

But he was selfish.

but he cared for me last night.

Did he think that I need his help? that I need a hand to hold on to?

Every hand I ever held caused me more pain than words can ever tell, more pain than my memories will allow me to relive.

Swallowing the vitamin pill in one gulp, I was caught off guard as a hand swiftly covered my mouth, preventing me from screaming or escaping. My senses were once again clouded by the effects of a drugged cloth, causing the world to spin as I struggled to stay conscious. Soon, a bag was forcefully placed over my head, plunging me into darkness.

As the bag was secured, the vitamins I had taken scattered across the ground, left behind as I was forcibly carried into a waiting vehicle.

The sound of the car's engine reverberated through my ears as my captor drove away from Sin's place. Shit! Shit! Shit!

I fought against my restraints with all my might, but my efforts were in vain. With the door closed and the car in motion, I had no choice but to resign myself to the situation and bide my time.

"What do you want from me?" I managed to utter, my voice filled with fear and confusion.

Suddenly, the bag covering my head was violently ripped away. my eyes quickly adjusted to the sudden influx of light, allowing me to survey my surroundings within the BMW. The heavily tinted windows concealed any view of the outside world.

Examining the interior of the vehicle, I realized I was alone with a man occupying the driver's seat. I scrutinized him intently, attempting to recall his identity, but no matter how hard I strained my memory, his face remained a mystery to me.

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